Search by Names
"@P.N. Bethia"
Records #18
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Bethia Adeline Hamilton-Buchanan
- Bethia Baillie
- Bethia Baker
- Bethia Ellis
- Bethia Fuller Maitland * 1805
- Bethia Hill † 1703
- Bethia Hinckley * 1791
- Bethia Ioné Keith-Murray * 30.07.1911
- Bethia Jessop
- Bethia Johnstone
- Bethia Marion Fayrer * 1867
- Bethia Mary Spens
- Bethia Murray
- Bethia Noble
- Bethia Smith * 1724
- Bethia Snow
- Bethia Waldo
- Phyllis Bethia Josephine Fayrer * 1898
Records #18
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".