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"@P.N. Hilda"
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Results ordered alphabetically:
- Adeline Hilda Astley † 01.03.1943
- Agnes Hilda Johanna Maria von Bylandt * 16.01.1845
- Agnes Mary Anne Hilda Wolseley * 27.05.1923
- Aileen Hilda Frances Cecil * 16.04.1903
- Alexandra Hilda Catherine Swan * 15.07.1996
- Alexandra Mary Hilda Seely * 16.09.1938
- Ann Hilda Tottenham * 10.09.1938
- Anna Hilda Schiro * 20.01.1899
- Anne Hilda Harrisson * 22.08.1916
- Anne Hilda Whellens Hall † 1990
- Anne-Hilda de Bary
- Annette Hilda Stopford
- Antonia Hilda Brunetti * 10.06.1952
- Antonia Mary Hilda Meade * 12.09.1914
- Barbara Hilda Fordham † 28.05.1969
- Beatriz Hilda Lloyd * 1910
- Berta Hilda Finger de Lacerda Castelo Branco
- Bryony Hilda Troughton
- Carlotta Hilda Brunetti * 10.06.1949
- Catharina Hilda Louise Lewenhaupt * 16.01.1946
- Catherina Hilda Elisabeth Grevinna Bielke * 08.04.1942
- Catherine Hilda Douglas * 20.11.1929
- Catherine Hilda Duleep Singh, princess of Lahore * 27.10.1871
- Constance Hilda Green
- Hon. Cynthia Hilda Cadogan * 08.10.1896
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".