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"@P.N. Sophia"
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- Ada Sophia Dendy † 14.11.1944
- Adela Sophia Georgiana Ponsonby † 27.03.1902
- Adela Sophia Harriett Bagot † 25.04.1821
- Adelaide Sophia de Lima * c. 1860
- Adèle Cristina Sophia Howrad
- Adolphine Johanna Alexandra Sophia von Bonin * 06.08.1853
- Adriana Sophia, baroness van Heeckeren * 28.06.1792
- Adriana Sophia de Kant
- Adriana Sophia van Sandick
- Adriana Sophia von Raesfeld
- Hon. Agnes Caroline Sophia Parnell † 28.12.1968
- Hon. Agnes Caroline Sophia Parnell * 1889
- Agnes Sophia Augusta von Alvensleben
- Agnes Sophia Bentinck * 22.10.1735
- Agnes Sophia Henrietta von Haersolte † 14.12.1790
- Agnes Sophia ter Bruggen * 10.11.1673
- Agnes Sophia von Döring
- Agnes Sophia von Raesfeld
- Agnes Sophia von Stutterheim * 1671
- Agnes Sophia, countess of Promnitz-Sorau * 14.05.1720
- Agnes Wilhelmina Johanna Sophia von Raesfeld
- Agnesa Sophia von Boyneburg gen. Hohenstein
- Albertina Sophia Bertin
- Albertine Sophia Esther von Neu-Eberstein * 20.05.1661
- Alexandra Sophia Denham * 05.12.1966
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".