Search by Names
"----- Cobb"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Alice Mary Cobb † 14.10.1940
- Anne Cobb
- Byron Cobb
- Cassia Alice Phyllis Cobb * 2023
- Cassia Alice Phyllis Cobb * 02.08.2023
- Catherine Cobb
- Charles Cobb
- Christian Cobb
- Elba Pear Rosemary Cobb * 15.10.2020
- Elisha Cobb
- Francis Cobb
- George Cobb, 3rd Baronet Cobb of Adderbury * c. 1672
- Hannah Cobb
- Harry Timothy Cobb * 1985
- Helen Evelyn Cobb
- Henry Cobb * 1596
- James Cobb * 1654
- James Cobb * 1673
- James Cobb * 1696
- Jane Cobb * 1940
- Joanna Mary Cobb
- Joseph Cobb
- Leland Cobb Drummond
- Lois Cobb
- Lydia Low Cobb * 1802
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".