Search by Names
"----- Hitchcock"
Records #21
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Abigail Hitchcock
- Agneta Hitchcock
- Alfred Hitchcock * 13.08.1899
- Ann Augusta Hitchcock † 1915
- Helen Jane Maunder Hitchcock * 1832
- John Hitchcock
- John Hitchcock
- John Hitchcock
- Joseph Hitchcock
- Katherine Elizabeth Hitchcock † 21.08.1964
- Louise Eustis Hitchcock
- Margaret Hitchcock
- Margaret Mellon Hitchcock
- Martha Hitchcock
- Mathilde Alice Hitchcock † 06.07.1916
- Patricia Hitchcock * 07.07.1928
- Samuel Hitchcock
- Thomas Hitchcock Jr. † 19.04.1944
- Thomas Hitchcock III
- William Hitchcock * 1862
- William Mellon Hitchcock
Records #21
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".