Search by Names
"Addie M -----"
Records #10
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Addie Cathrine Juliane Grevenkop-Castenskiold * 24.03.1878
- Addie H. Mcintosh * 24.12.1879
- Addie Howland * 1865
- Addie Loring
- Addie Louise Marrow * 15.07.1922
- Addie Matilda Fraser * 11.08.1891
- Addie Wolff * 10.06.1875
- Eileen Vina Addie
- Lucretia Addie Loring * 1878
- William Addie Erskine Leacock * 23.05.1941
Records #10
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".