Search by Names
"Agatha Agatha"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Aecht (Agatha)
- Agatha Agneta Jacoba van Lijnden * 27.03.1815
- Agatha Amalia von Wohra
- Agatha Amalia, countess of Egloffstein * 1625
Agatha Barbara * 1923
- Agatha Barbara von Manderscheid-Kayl † 02.04.1683
- Agatha, baroness of Slingelandt * 02.07.1732
- Agatha Blackbourn * 21.11.2009
- Agatha de Bruce
- Agatha de Brus
- Agatha Buford
- Agatha Christina Haffner von Wasslenheim * 1658
- Agatha Dorothea von der Schulenburg
- Agatha Dorothea Frey von Dehrn † 28.09.1625
- Agatha Dorothea Frey von Dehrn † 28.09.1625
- Agatha Dorothea, countess of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Langenburg * 11.12.1588
Hon. Agatha Eleanor Augusta Jolliffe † 09.07.1938
- Agatha Eleanore Maria Gobertina, princess of Auersperg * 25.09.1916
- Agatha Eleanore, countess palatine of Veldenz * 29.06.1662
- Agatha Ernestina zu Hohenlohe * 26.07.1625
- Agatha de Ferrers † 1306
- Agatha Ferrers * c. 1180
- Agatha fitz Robert
- Agatha fitz Savary
- Agatha Francisca Adolfine Bentinck * 01.07.1844
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".