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"Alexandra @N.N."
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Results ordered alphabetically:
- Abília Alexandra Cepeda * 1906
- Ada Alexandra Antoinette Emilie, countess of Eulenburg * 21.09.1848
- Ada Julie Alexandra, baroness Reedtz-Thott * 14.06.1877
- Adele Emilie Caroline Alexandra Henriette Therese, countess of Zedtwitz * 30.09.1854
- Adelheid Caroline Louise Wilhelmine Alexandra von Mandelsloh * 03.10.1858
- Adelheid Marka Alexandra zu Dohna-Schlobitten * 12.11.1954
- Adolphine Johanna Alexandra Sophia von Bonin * 06.08.1853
- Adriana Alexandra von Wylich
- Agathe Maria Gobertina Alexandra Nathalie Josephine Sarvar-felsövideki Grof Szechenyi * 05.02.1936
- Aglaë Alexandra Johanna Stephanie Franziska Gobertine Maria, prinzessin von Schönburg-Hartenstein * 1977
- Agnès Camille Alexandra Marie de Liedekerke-Beaufort * 09.03.1989
- Agnes Clara Maria Johanna Josepha Alexandra, countess Teleki de Szék * 26.06.1931
- Ailsa Alexandra Röell
- Aisha Alexandra Stuart * 06.06.1997
- Aleksandra Leonidovna, princess Obolensky * 29.04.1890
- Aleksandra of Lithuania † 19.06.1434
- Lady Alexandra Rose Grant * 1985
- Alexandra
- Alexandra
- Alexandra
- Alexandra
- Alexandra
- Alexandra * bp 19.06.1788
- Alexandra * bp 19.01.1796
- Alexandra * 20.03.1906
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".