Search by Names
"Charles Wood"
Records #23
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Aidan Jonathan Charles Wood * 1974
- Anthony Charles Wood * 23.07.1952
- Charles Alexander Wood
- Charles Browne Martin Wood * 1973
- Charles Denis Hill-Wood * 21.04.1976
- Sir Charles Edgar Wood * 1877
- Charles Haigh-Wood * 09.05.1854
- Charles Ingram Courtenay Wood, 2nd earl of Halifax * 03.10.1912
- Charles John Wood * 27.11.1862
- Charles Kerrison Hill Hill-Wood * 05.06.1907
- Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax * 07.01.1839
- Charles Reginald Lindley Wood * 07.07.1870
- Charles Russell Wood
- Charles Thorold Wood * 15.01.1777
- Charles Wood † 14.11.1908
- Charles Wood † 1881
- Charles Wood * 13.02.1731
- Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax * 20.12.1800
- Dennis John Charles Hill-Wood * 25.06.1906
- Douglas Alwyn Charles Wood-Parker * 30.06.1911
- Edward Charles Hill-Wood * 22.04.1974
- Jonathan Charles Wood * 1959
- Marten Charles Wood * 11.11.1977
Records #23
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".