Search by Names
Records #10
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Charles Frederick Talbot Wyndham-Quin * 12.07.1864
- Daniel Frederick Talbot-Ponsonby * 25.10.1971
- Edward Frederick Talbot-Ponsonby * 21.10.1872
- Edward Hugh Frederick Chetwynd-Talbot * 19.01.1909
- Frederick Gilbert Chetwynd-Talbot * 01.05.1868
- Frederick James Talbot-Ponsonby * 1990
- Frederick John Talbot Baines * 25.07.1892
- Frederick William Talbot-Ponsonby * 19.01.1879
- Leslie Frederick Talbot Price
- Robert Peter Frederick Gerard Talbot * 11.11.1916
Records #10
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".