Search by Names
"George Walker"
Records #15
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Eric George Sherbrooke Walker
- George Alfred Walker * 14.04.1929
- George Bentham Walker
- George Clive Forestier-Walker * 17.04.1946
- George Forestier-Walker † 31.05.1898
- George Fuller Walker † 18.05.1907
- George Herbert Walker * 11.06.1875
George H. W. Bush * 12.06.1924
- George Randolph Walker
- George Randolph Walker jr * 19.01.1964
- George Selwyn Walker * 1971
- Sir George Townshend Forestier-Walker * 02.08.1866
- George Wake-Walker * 09.03.1995
- George Walker * c. 1797
George W. Bush * 06.07.1946
Records #15
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".