Search by Names
"Henry Fitzroy"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Algernon Henry Fitzroy * 02.03.1834
Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Grafton * 28.09.1735
- Charles Henry Fitzroy Talbot-Ponsonby * 03.12.1981
- Charles Henry Fitzroy, 4th Baron Southampton * 11.05.1867
- Charles Henry Fitzroy, Earl of Euston * 13.04.1714
- Charles William Henry Gage Fitzroy * 07.01.1807
- Edward Henry FitzRoy * 13.07.1893
- Fitzroy George Henry Somerset * 09.08.1852
- Hon. Fitzroy Henry Lee † 1720
- Rev. Hon. Fitzroy Henry Richard Stanhope * 24.04.1787
- Fitzroy Henry Somerset * 01.02.1881
- FitzRoy Henry Somerset * 13.12.1909
- FitzRoy James William Henry Somerset * 1850
- FitzRoy John Henry Somerset * 1851
- Fitzroy Maclean Henry Somerset * 21.11.1839
- Fitzroy Molyneux Henry Somerset * 29.12.1823
- Fitzroy William Henry Somerset * 19.12.1845
- Frederick Henry Fitzroy * 22.01.1872
- Sir Arthur Henry Fitzroy Paget * 1851
- George Fitzroy Henry Somerset, 3rd Baron Raglan of Raglan * 18.09.1857
- George Henry Fitzroy * 13.09.1826
- George Henry Fitzroy Somerset * 21.01.1999
- George Henry Fitzroy, 4th duke of Grafton * 14.01.1760
- Henry Adelbert Wellington Fitzroy Somerset, 9th duke of Beaufort * 19.05.1847
- Henry Charles FitzRoy * 03.04.1930
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".