Search by Names
"Owain @N.N."
Records #12
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Angharad ferch Owain ap Maredudd
- Cristin Owain
- Llewelyn ap Owain, master of South Wales * bp 1300
- Owain Anthony Mervyn Williams * 08.01.1955
- Owain ap Maredudd † 1275
- Owain Colin Nelson Arthur * 29.01.1991
- Owain Cyfeiliog
- Owain Edward Whitehead Greaves * < 1898
- Owain Grenville Rowley-Conwy, 10th Baron Langford of Summerhill * 27.12.1958
- Owain Vaughan Lewes * 09.07.1967
- Hon. Rowland David Owain Windsor-Clive * 30.08.1938
- Rupert Owain Glendwr Williams * 22.10.1866
Records #12
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".