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- Adelbert William James Chetwynd-Talbot * 06.02.1876
- Bertram William Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot * 15.12.1876
- Charles William Talbot-Ponsonby * 29.05.1843
- Frederick William Talbot-Ponsonby * 19.01.1879
- John Arthur William Talbot * 26.06.1876
- John Seymour William Talbot-Ponsonby * 01.05.1870
- John William Talbot Lewes * 22.01.1931
- John-William Talbot
- Mark William Talbot Powys-Smith * 1975
- Peter William Talbot-Ponsonby * 10.07.1938
- Victor Adelbert William Gerald Chetwynd-Talbot * 23.07.1872
- William Alexander Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot † 19.09.1890
- William Charles Francis Talbot-Ponsonby * 14.10.1868
- William Davenport-Talbot
- William James Chetwynd-Talbot * 20.09.1847
- William Leopold Porsenna Talbot * 24.04.1824
- William Peter Talbot-Ponsonby * 18.08.1975
- William Talbot
- William Talbot † 1686
- William Talbot
- William Talbot
- Sir William Talbot, 1st Baronet
- Sir William Talbot, 3rd Baronet † 18.05.1691
- William Talbot † 04.02.1595
- William Talbot † 1683
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".