Search by Names
"William Hervey"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Alfred William Hervey Howell
- Benjamin James William Peacham Hervey * 29.01.1997
- Constantine Rodney William Hervey * 06.12.1850
- Sir Frederick Edward William Hervey-Bathurst, 5th Baronet * 11.02.1870
Frederick William Augustus Hervey, 8th marquess of Bristol * 19.10.1979
- Lord Frederick William Charles Nicholas Hervey * 26.11.1961
- Frederick William Fane Hervey, 4th marquess of Bristol * 08.11.1863
- Frédérick William Herbert Morley Hervey, Earl Jermyn * 25.07.2022
- Frederick William Hervey, 2nd marquess of Bristol * 15.07.1800
- Frederick William Hervey, 1st marquess of Bristol * 02.10.1769
- Frederick William John Augustus Hervey, 7th marquess of Bristol * 15.09.1954
- Frederick William John Hervey, 3rd marquess of Bristol * 28.06.1834
- George Henry William Hervey * 17.02.1843
- Sir George William Hervey * 16.06.1845
- George William Hervey, 2nd Earl of Bristol * 03.08.1721
- Gerald Edward William Hervey * 05.12.1881
- Henry Arthur William Hervey † 11.05.1908
- Hervey William Lowell * 1851
- John William Nicholas Hervey * 15.11.1841
- Manners William Hervey * 10.06.1866
- Robert William Hervey Erskine * 13.10.1930
- Ronald Frederick William Hervey * 04.10.1919
- William George Edward Hervey * 11.10.1850
- William George Hervey Jolliffe, 4th Baron Hylton * 02.12.1898
- William Hervey † 05.05.1862
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".