Search by Names
"William Montagu"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Archer William Montagu-Pollock * 1986
Charles Montagu-Scott, 4th duke of Buccleuch * 24.05.1772
- David William Montagu * 08.11.1976
- Edgar William Montagu
- Ernest William Sanders Montagu
- Henry William Montagu Paulett, 16th marquess of Winchester * 30.10.1862
- Hon. William James Hayman Montagu, Viscount Hinchingbrooke * 2004
- Horace William Montagu
- Hon. John Montagu William North * 28.02.1905
- John William Montagu * 18.01.1790
- John William Montagu * 1876
John William Montagu, 7th earl of Sandwich * 08.11.1811
- Lord Charles William Augustus Montagu * 23.11.1860
- Lord William Francis Montagu * 05.08.1800
- Lord William Frederick Arthur Montagu Hill * 10.07.1816
- Milo William Montagu-Douglas-Scott * 2022
- Montagu Richard William Duberly * 30.06.1887
- Montagu William Cairns Perceval * 25.01.1850
- Montagu William Consett * 15.04.1871
- Montagu William Douglas * 23.11.1863
- Montagu William Graham
Hon. Orlando William Montagu * 16.01.1971
- Robin William Montagu * 17.05.1953
- Walter William Montagu-Douglas-Scott * 24.06.1946
- William Angus Drogo Montagu, 9th duke of Manchester * 03.03.1877
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".