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#262570 | MaroCab | 21 Sep 2010 08:59

I am not sure if my last message was uploaded sucessfully, so here it is again

Thank you so much for your feedback Rui,

Unfortunately most of my living relatives live in Argentina and came over when they were very young. Each time I speak to them about the place of birth of my grandmother, the location changes, in the first instance I was told she was born in the Algarve when I told them that it was a district, they mentioned 2 or 3 different names, so far I still have been unable to identify her.

I try contacting the Arquivo Distrital de Faro, however as I dont have a town of birth, the response is always the same. I really need to find my grandmothers details urgently now, do you have any other suggestions?, unfortunately my great aunt wants to go to Portugal before she dies and as she has lost her memory the family want to send her to the town her family come from.

If necessary are there services you can recommend in the Tavira, Sao Bras, Olhao areas that do genealogical seaches??, happy to pay a fixed fee if necessary

Thanks in advance
Kind regards,



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RE: help - Olhão?

#262571 | IsabelFont | 21 Sep 2010 10:13 | In reply to: #262570

Dear friend Mariano,

Trying to help you, I phone today to the Conservatória do Registo Civil de Olhão »» 289702226, and asked if there was someone born in 1923 named Cecília da Natividade de Sousa.
There wasn't!

Your grandmother is your father's mother or your mother's mother?
At the moment I think the best way is you send me where your mother or father (daughter or son of your grandmother) were born, and her or his name, and the birth date. Do you have that data? You can phone directly to the Conservatória do Registo Civil of that place, to locate the exactly name of your grandmother and granfather, and places were they were born.

If you don't want to send me this information you can phone directlly to this places.
You can find these contacts in a *.pdf file in this internet adress:

Best regards,
Maria Isabel


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262612 | MaroCab | 21 Sep 2010 21:35 | In reply to: #262571

Dearest Maria,

Thank you so much for all your help, I really appreciate all your assitance.

Unforunately my father wasnt born in Portugal, he was born in Argentina. My grandfather who is also Portuguese, actually married my grandmother in Argentina.

I have been speaking to cousins and one mentioned a place called "sitio dos murtais" which I believe is in Moncarapacho. It is really weird, all of my family keep saying Moncarapacho, however when I have spoken to the Registo myself they say they have no record. One of my cousin said that she has a document from her mother that relates to her baptism at the church in Moncarapacho. She was my grandmothers older sister, so my grandmother should have been born in Moncarapacho too.

All I can provide is my great grandparents details. The parents of Cecilia da Natividade de Souza are as follows
Father (Juan de Souza)
Mother (Palmira Gertrudes)

Appreciate your help and any advise you can give.
Warmest regards



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RE: help - Olhão?

#262618 | roz | 21 Sep 2010 22:52 | In reply to: #262612

Dear Mariano,

I am sorry I can not help you in this matter but please let me suggest that you contact here in the forum one of the participants in the following topic:

Most of them are very experienced, particularly in the Algarve region, such as Nuno Inacio, Jose Cabecinha and many of the others listed there. They might give you good leads on how to go about finding your ancestor.

Just send them a message in that topic and let's hope they can help you.

Best regards & good luck.


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262632 | IsabelFont | 22 Sep 2010 10:17 | In reply to: #262612

Caro Mariano,

Hello again!

But you didn't answer all the questions.
What about your mother? Was she born in Portugal or in Arhgentina?

Anyway what is her name? Place and birth date? If your mother was born in Portugal, perhaps I can help you!
Don´t you have any passports of the eldest ones?
Did you go to any of the Embassy?

Anf what about your father's documents - of baptism and birth - doesn't say anything about his parents?

Best regards
Maria isabel


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262633 | IsabelFont | 22 Sep 2010 10:23 | In reply to: #262612

Hello again Mariano!

Can you say me a relative of yours that you know the complete name, year and place of birth? An aunt or anyone relative?

Perhaps that way I can help you.

Maria Isabel


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262657 | MaroCab | 22 Sep 2010 16:09 | In reply to: #262632

Hi Isabel

Actually both my mother and father are argentinians. my grandmother was the portuguese one, she came to argentina to the age of 14. there´s no specific details about my grandmother´s place of birth in argentinian documents, only the fact that she was from the algarve.

thanks for your interes and time, Mariano


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262660 | MaroCab | 22 Sep 2010 16:20 | In reply to: #262633

hi Isabel:

i have the information of one of my grandmother´s sister.

Name: Emiliana da Concepcion de souza
Date of birth: 20 de julio de 1913
Father: Juan ( or joao ) De Souza
Mother: Palmira Gertrodes
Place of birth: Moncarapacho, Olhao. i was recently given a new piece of information: freguesia " Nossa senhora da graca "

i was told too that the family lived in " sitio dos murtais " which i googled and found in Moncarapacho. I´m trying to find out about the other sisters and brothers but that´s all i got for now.

Thanks again Isabel.


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262691 | IsabelFont | 23 Sep 2010 02:05 | In reply to: #262660

Hello Mariana,

At the time I am seing/reading your last post to me, I can't do nothing - it's night - 1H50 am.

I am going to try something in the morning.
Anyway if your mother was born in Argentina, I don't know how they do the birth records there; but here, in Portugal, normally it mentions who is the father and his birth place, who is the mother and the birth place.

Also if your grandmother married there in Argentina, I also don't know what these records are done; but if it was in Portugal, it will be mentioned in the married cartificate how old were them, and the place of birth of each of them, and also their parents name. They should also notify the embassy, and the embassy must sent a copy of those data / marriage certificate to the place (Conservatória do Registo Civil) where they were born, in Potugal.

Did you already check these records? Can't you find anything significant in these documentation?

By the morning I will give you notice if I they tell me something good.
Maria Isabel


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262697 | IsabelFont | 23 Sep 2010 10:47 | In reply to: #262660

Hello Mariano,

As I said yesterday, or earlier in the night, I phone today to The " Conservatória do registo Civil de Olhão", and they found the birth record of your grandmother's sister:

- Emiliana da Conceição de Sousa, daughter of João de Sousa and Palmira Gertrudes in 21/July/1913. The birth record is the Nº 499 in 1913, in freguesia de Nª Srª da Graça or Moncarapacho (is the same).
- They can't find your grandmother Cecília da Natividade de Sousa in 1923. Perhaps the year is wrong! And I can't ask by phone to search. It is a favour, bacause they shouldn't do so.

So, what I think you must do is to write an e-mail adressed to OR send a fax to 351289701318, OR write a letter adressed to Rua Patrão Joaquim Casaca, Lt 2 R/c, 8700-501 OLHÃO, PORTUGAL, and explain the situation, also explaining that you know your grandmother is not in 1923 (there is a Cecilia, but the rest of the name is not the same), and asking for a search in some years later or before.
You must also say the purpose of this documentation, bacause the payment is diferent if it is only for genealogy, or other purpose. At the same time ask about of how to pay for this documentation, mention your postal adress to receive the documentation, and you certainly can send a Vale Postal with this value. I think you must pay before they send you the documentation.

I can't help you anymore
Regards - BOA SORTE
Maria Isabel


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RE: help - Olhão?

#262772 | MaroCab | 24 Sep 2010 07:37 | In reply to: #262697

Hi Isabel

Thank you so much for your help, i really appreciate all the help i got in this forum. I´m sure i´m gonna find her soon, i´ll take your advise and will let you know as soon as i have news.

Thanks again, Mariano


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