Yvelin, Evelyn , Ibelin

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Yvelin, Evelyn , Ibelin

#446423 | jaf | 10 Mär 2023 02:44

È por estas e outras (fantasias genealógicas e heráldicas) que o Armorial Lusitano diz o que diz.

Beugnot remarks as to this :

" During the thirteenth century, the house of Ibelin
exercised in Cyprus a real sovereignty under the name of the
princes who occupied the throne. One may say that during
the minority of Henry, and even during the thirty-five years
that this prince reigned, all the wars and troubles of all sorts
which agitated the kingdom of Cyprus had as cause the in-
terests and ambitions of this powerful house. Thus, though
pride may have dictated the observation of Jacques d'Ibelin,
which we have just read, it is none the less evident that it rested
on an exact fact, which Hugues could not have forgotten."

History tells us nothing further of the family of Ibelin.
Henceforward we must rely on accounts preserved in private
families, and the pedigree at Wotton (which is the one given
to John Evelyn by the French heralds in 1650) states
that in 1475 Henri Evelin came from Cyprus to Normandy,
where he bought a small feif called Eveliniere in the " Balliage
of Constantine,'' in other words, in the vice-county of Cotentin,
whose capital was the ancient Constantia, now Coutances,
in the department of La Manche. Coutances is a picturesque
town with a beautiful Norman cathedral, situated half-way
up a granite hill seven miles from the sea.

From this Henri Evelin (whose descent from the old
Seigneur of Beirut is given in the Wotton MS. and who was
twice married) descended various Seigneurs of Eveliniere, of
Ramondiere of Valdesie and of Parie. The last name on the
pedigree is that of William Evelin, physician and councillor
to King Henri iv, Louis xiii, and Louis xiv, and who is said
to be " living in the present year, 1650."

Até o dr. Pierre Yvelin — que era um espírito esclarecido (cf o caso das religiosas de Louviers) — embarcava na mesma opinião com o seu suposto parente Jonhn Evelyn, com quem se encontrou em Dover, suponho —veja-se o diário de John Evelyn, 26 maio 1669.


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