Huet family from Macau

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Huet family from Macau

#36026 | Chris Knott | 20 Feb 2003 16:45

Dear Sir/Madam,

Firstly my apologies for writing in English. I am unable to speak or write Portuguese or Spanish.

My name is Chris Knott and I work on the Esperanza project. Copied on this email is Nick Fenton, one of the directors of The Esperanza Company Limited. The team is largely based in Jakarta, Indonesia with other members involved in marine, finance, legal and marketing areas. I am the Archival Research Manager, which actually not only involves research on the Esperanza but on other wrecks known to have wrecked on the Panagatan Cays, either through archives or physical evidence.

You may be aware of the project however it can be briefly summarised as the search for and anticipated recovery of a vessel called the Esperanza. This was wrecked on Panagatan Cays, south of Mindoro in the Philippines in 1806.

Through the archival research to date, we have ascertained that although the Esperanza was owned by the Spanish at the time she sank, the Esperanza was originally owned by Pedro Huet Sr, a Portuguese ship owner in Macao around the late 1700's to early 1800's.

Pedro Huet left Lisbon in the 1780's on the Nossa Senhora de Belem and sailed to Macau via Batavia (Jakarta) and apparently Manila. After setting up business in Macau, he brought his entire family from Portugal to live in Macao, trading from there to Manila, Batavia and India. It appears that his sons took over his shipping business after his passing in 1807.

We came across your website through the Portugal list on Rootsweb and are wondering if somebody might have any information on Pedro Huet and his family.

We are also aware of a book written by Dr Jorge Forjaz called "The Macaenese Families" that may contain information of interest. We have not however been able to obtain a copy of this book however, so we do not know if it contains any information on Pedro Huet.

Lastly, I would like to address the issue of the archaeological nature of our project. The Esperanza project has to date and always will be conducted under the supervision of the National Museum of the Philippines (NMP). Through the archaeological foundation in the Philippines, we hold a valid permit from the National Museum and personnel from the NMP are present during field work that we undertake. Any excavation or recovery work is conducted under archaeological guidelines laid down by the NMP. Given the recent UNESCO treaty on preserving our marine cultural heritage, I believe it is worth highlighting this point.

Should anybody be able to assist us in our search for information on Pedro Huet and his family, we would be very interested to hear from you.

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer.

Best Regards,
Chris Knott


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36061 | PCC | 21 Feb 2003 00:54 | In reply to: #36026

Greeting from Lisbon,

Your project seems very interesting. Wish you the best of luck.

I have checked on my "Familias Macaenses" copy and there's no word on the Huet family. I'm pretty sure Jorge Forjaz has come across these people and I suggest you call him up. He will certainly help you if he can. His phone number in the Azores is + 351 295 21 26 45.


Pedro do Carmo Costa


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36124 | aburma | 21 Feb 2003 17:48 | In reply to: #36026

Dear Mr Knott,

The name Huet is well-known to visitors of this Forum, since a member of the Huet family, who is a keen genealogist, is a regular contributor. If you check out messages signed jhuet (I believe this is his nickname around here), you may be able to find him. Or perhaps he will read your message and get in touch with you.

I am also acquainted with members of the Huet family in Oporto and will sound them out about your message.

Best Regards

Alexandre Burmester


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36478 | Chris Knott | 26 Feb 2003 16:05 | In reply to: #36061

Dear Pedro,

Thank you for your message and your kind best wishes.

I have called Dr Forjaz and am going to fax him some information on Pedro Huet and his family.

I appreciate your help and trust that you will check in on our website ( to see how we progress.

Best Regards,
Chris Knott


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36482 | Chris Knott | 26 Feb 2003 16:10 | In reply to: #36124

Dear Alexandre,

Thank you for your information. I will have to look out for the descendant of the Huet family on this website.

Thank you also for contacting the Huet family of Oporto. If they have any interest, I could email some general information we have on Pedro Huet and his family in Macau in the late 1700's and early 1800's.

As much as anything else, we are trying to tell the whole story of the wreck of the Esperanza, including Huet's ownership. Another interesting item that has come to light in the last year is that Huet & the Esperanza carried the Balmis Expedition to Macau from Manila. This brought the smallpox vaccine to the region, from where Macau became a centre for it's distribution.

You may also like to visit our website on

Best Regards,
Chris Knott


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36859 | jhuet | 01 Mär 2003 18:24 | In reply to: #36482

Dear Chris,

As a member of Huet family of Oporto, i read with a big interest your messages in this forum.
Pedro Huet is completely unknown for me, could you give me some more informations, because only with you told is very difficult to know if he could be a member of my family, stablished at Portugal since 1651.
Best regards,
José Huet


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36860 | aburma | 01 Mär 2003 18:28 | In reply to: #36859

Caro José Huet,

Estava a ver que o meu amigo nunca mais aparecia! Como perdi o seu e-mail, não o consegui avisar da existência deste tópico.

Um abraço

Alexandre Burmester


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#36863 | jhuet | 01 Mär 2003 19:23 | In reply to: #36860

Meu caro Alexandre Burmester,

Tenho realmente andado fugido do forum, mas oas afazeres profissionais e as idas constantes a Lisboa não o têm permitido.
Espero que este mês seja mais calmo.
Ainda lhe devo a cópia do outro documento sobre o seu antepassado Serpa Pinto, mas ainda não tive oportunidade de o procurar, mas não está esquecido.
Um abraço,
José Huet


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#38826 | vbriteiros | 02 Apr 2003 13:17 | In reply to: #36026

Dear Chris,
you should contact Mr Guimarães through e-mail:
As I know he has more than 2400 Registers of Shippings leaving Portugal during the XVI - XIX centyuries.
Vasco Briteiros


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#38882 | JoséSandeVasconcelos | 03 Apr 2003 02:39 | In reply to: #36863

Caro José Huet,
sem ter muito a ver com o actual assunto... um dia destes, pesquisando no 118NET descobri uma família Huet de Sande em Espanha. Tem conhecimento disso? Se achar de interesse poderei procurar encontrar novamente e dar-lhe as indicações possíveis.
Melhores cumprimentos
José SV


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#39518 | Chris Knott | 09 Apr 2003 09:29 | In reply to: #36859

Dear Jose,

My apologies for the delayed reply !! I didn't receive a notification from the forum and I haven't checked back here for some time.

I would be only too happy to send you some information. Please give me your email address and I will send it to you "off forum".

I hope that you are well.

Best Regards,
Chris Knott


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RE: Huet family from Macau

#39520 | Chris Knott | 09 Apr 2003 09:32 | In reply to: #38826

Dear Vasco,

Thank you very much for your information. I will indeed contact Mr Guimarães.

I will keep the forum informed of what he may be able to advise.

Thanks again and best regards,
Chris Knott


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