Suchen von Personnen
"Judith @N.N."
Your search returned too much records. Please refine your criteria.
Ergebnisse alphabetisch geordnet:
- Judith Blachon * 1568
- Judith Blanchard
- Judith Blanchouin
- Judith Bludowsky
- Judith Boevey
- Judith Bom * c. 1640
- Judith Booth
- Judith Borges de Mira
- Judith Borwick
- Judith Bosniak de Magyarbel * c. 1600
- Judith Bossanyi
- Judith Böttischer * 26.08.1906
- Judith de Boulogne * 1054
- Judith de Bourbon
- Judith Bourne
- Judith de Bourrouillan * 1589
- Judith Brabazon Ponsonby * 17.03.1927
- Judith von Brandenburg-Salzwedel * c. 1300
- Judith Brauner
- Judith Bregentzer
- Judith Breitenbach
- Judith de Bretagne * c. 0980
- Judith Britiffe † 07.02.1727
- Judith Brito dos Santos * 1917
- Judith de Brito Pinto d' Almeida * 1889
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".