Österreich-Habsburg | Family Album | #8
- Rudolf II of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor * 1552
- Rudolf II, duke of Austria * 1270
- Rudolf IV, duke of Austria * 1339
- Rudolf, archduke of Austria * 1950
- Rudolf, archduke of Austria * 1919
- Rudolf, archduke of Austria * 1788
- Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria * 1858
- Rudolf I, Holy Roman Emperor * 1218
- Sigismund of Austria, count of Tirol * 1427
- Sigismund, archduke of Austria * 1966
- Sigmund Franz of Austria, bishop of Augusburg * 1630
- Simeon, archduke of Austria * 1958
- Sophie Friederike, archduchess of Austria * 1855
- Sophie, archduchess of Austria * 1959
- Theresa, archduchess of Austria * 1931
- Valerie Elisabeth, archduchess of Austria-Este * 1941
- Venceslau, archduke of Austria * 1561
- William of Austria, duke of Steiermark * 1370
- Wilhelm, archduke of Austria * 1827
- Wilhelm, archduke of Austria * 1895