Surname: Tautphoeus | Name index
27 people
- Albrecht Adam Christoph, baron of Tautphoeus * 1828
- Anna Gabriele Maria Luitgarde Sophie Eucheria Johanna Nep. Jacobaea Jacobi, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1911
- Edwin Maria Aime Georg Albrecht Eberhard Jacob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1866
- Erwin Vicente Ludwig Albrecht Eberhard Jakob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1905
- Florentine Juliane Garoline, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1939
- Franz Otto Karl Paul Jacob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1908
- Franz-Joseph Maria Helmut Albrecht Arthur Donatus Benedictus Jacob Jacobi, baron of Tautphoeus * 1914
- Friedrich Jacob Johann Michael Joseph Maria Ludwig, baron of Tautphoeus * 1860
- Georg Anton Joseph Friedrich, baron of Tautphoeus * 1796
- Georg Enno Jacob Jacobi, baron of Tautphoeus * 1942
- Gottfried Franz von Tautphoeus * 1714
- Grace Henriette Mary, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1912
- Helmut Ruggiero Max Wendt Albrecht Georg Eberhard Jacob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1877
- Irmgard Sophie, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1906
- Jacob Joseph Ludwig Franz Arthur Max, baron of Tautphoeus * 1898
- Jacobine Therese Anna Johanna Luise, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1901
- Johann Jacob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1749
- Johann Nepomuk Franz, baron of Tautphoeus * 1765
- Joseph Franz, baron of Tautphoeus * 1769
- Magda Susanne Jacobaea Jacobi, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1939
- Maria Bavarica Sophie Anna Elisabeth Benedicta Stephanie Januaria Jacobaea Jacobi, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1917
- Nicolasine Maria Viktoria Antonie Anna Sophie Raphaela Benedicta Elisabeth Jacobaea Jacobi, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1920
- Otto Max Joseph Fritz Jacob, baron of Tautphoeus * 1882
- Richard Adam Georg, baron of Tautphoeus * 1838
- Rudolf Egon Barry, baron of Tautphoeus * 1921
- Rudolf Walter Maria, baron of Tautphoeus * 1873
- Sophie Karoline Gabriele, baroness of Tautphoeus * 1913