Surname: Aragón-Casa Real
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Titles and Landlords
- Barons of Castro
- Barons of Hijar
- Barons of Lunel
- Barons of Peralta
- Counts of Alburquerque-e
- Counts of Ampurias
- Counts of Aragão
- Counts of Barcelona
- Counts of Ejerica
- Counts of Luna
- Counts in Aragão
- Dukes of Arjona
- Dukes of Gandía-I
- Dukes of Girona
- Dukes of Peñafiel
- Dukes of Villahermosa
- Dukes of Villena
- Princesses of Aragão
- Princesses of Spain
- Princesses of Navarra
- Princes of Aragão
- Marquesses of Tortosa
- Princesses of Maiorca
- Princes of Asturias
- Princes of Gerona
- Queens of Aragon
- Queens of Great Britain
- Queens of Portugal
- Kings of Sardinia
- Kings of Sicília
- Kings of Aragon
- Kings of Maiorca
- Kings of Naples
- Kings of Navarra
- Lords of Aitona
- Lords of Albarracin
- Lords of Aybar
- Lords of Castro
- Lords of Elche
- Lords of Medina de Rio Seco
- Lords of Pomar
- Lords of Sobrarbe
- Lords of Tordehumos
Posts and Professions
Geographic Distribution
- Spain > Valencia (5)
- Spain > Castile and León (4)
- Spain > Catalonia (3)
- Spain > Navarre (2)
- Spain > Aragon (2)
- Spain > Madrid (1)
- Spain > Andalusia (1)
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