Surname: Fernandez de Híjar
Titles and Landlords
- Barons of Hijar
- Counts of Aranda
- Counts of Belchite
- Counts of Galve
- Counts of Guimera
- Counts of Palma del Rio
- Counts of Ribadeo
- Counts of Salinas
- Counts of Vallfogona
- Dukes of Aliaga
- Dukes of Almazán
- Dukes of Bournonville
- Dukes of Hijar
- Dukes of la Palata-I
- Dukes of Lécera
- Marquesses of Alenquer
- Marquesses of Almenara-II
- Marquesses of Cábrega
- Lords of Valle del Jalon
- Viscounts of Alquerforadat
- Viscounts of Canet
- Viscounts of Ebol
Posts and Professions
Geographic Distribution
- Spain > Madrid (1)
- Spain > Aragon (1)
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