Surname: Castelo-Branco - Castelo Branco - Castelbranco
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Titles and Landlords
- Barons of Anadia
- Barons of Beduído
- Barons of Campo Maior
- Barons of Castelo Branco
- Barons of Real Agrado
- Counts of Figueira
- Counts of Ponte
- Counts of Arganil
- Counts of Caria
- Counts of Fornos de Algodres
- Counts of Pombeiro
- Counts of Porto Santo
- Counts of Redondo
- Counts of Sabugal
- Counts of Valadares
- Counts of Vila Nova de Portimão
- Counts of Vinhó
- Marchionesses of Itaguaí
- Marquesses of Belas
- Marquesses of Sande
- Marquesses of Torres Novas-n
- Lords of Casa da Covilhã
- Lords of Casa de Folhadosa
- Lords of Belas
- Lords of Bordonhos
- Lords of Fornos de Algodres
- Lords of Pombeiro
- Lords of Sobrado
- Lords of Guardão
- Lords of morgado da Luz
- Lords of Morgado das Antas
- Lords of Morgado de Castelo Branco
- Lords of Morgado de Elvas
- Lords of Morgado de Santar
- Lords of Morgado de Seiça
- Lords of Morgado do Outeiro
- Lords of Prazo do Lagar d' El-Rei
- Viscounts of Castelo Branco-a
- Viscounts of Correia Botelho
- Viscounts of Dominguizo
- Viscounts of Fornos de Algodres
- Viscounts of Midões
- Viscounts of Pedroso
- Viscounts of São Miguel de Seide
- Viscounts of Sardoal
- Viscounts of Real Agrado
- Viscountesses of Taquaí
- Knights of the Order of Christ
- Knights of the Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila Viçosa
- Commanders of Ordem de Cristo
- Commanders of Ordem de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila Viçosa
- Grand Crosses of the Order of the Tower and Sword
- Grand Crosses of the Order of Conceição de Vila Viçosa
- Grand Masters of the Order of Alcantara
Posts and Professions
- Lawyers
- Lords of the Manor of Covilhã
- Lords of the Manor of Arraiolos
- Lords of the Manor of Monsanto
- Lords of the Manor of Vila Franca de Xira
- Admirals of Portugal
- Architects
- Bishops of Coimbra
- Bishops of Lamego
- Bishops of Algarve
- Commanders of Aljustrel
- Commanders of Alter Pedroso
- Commanders of Cabeço de Vide
- Members of Parliament - Portugal
- Diplomats
- Economists
- Engineers
- Writers
- Escrivães da Puridade
- Familiares do Santo Ofício
- Knights of the Royal House
- Governadores Civis da Guarda
- Governadores Civis de Lisboa
- Governors of Angola
- Governors of Macau
- Governors of Timor
- Journalists
- Medicine Doctors
- Soldiers
- Ministers
- Finance Ministers - Portugal
- Priests
- Mayors of Lisboa
- Presidents of the Republic of Brazil
- Prime Ministers of Portugal
- Professors
- Provedores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico-II
- Vedores da Fazenda
Geographic Distribution
- Portugal > Lisboa e Estremadura (295)
- Portugal > Beira (196)
- Portugal > Alentejo (114)
- Portugal > Porto e Douro (29)
- Portugal > Trás-os-Montes (22)
- Portugal > Algarve (18)
- Portugal > Minho (14)
- Portugal > Ribatejo (13)
- Portugal > Açores (7)
- Portugal > Madeira (1)
- Spain > Madrid (1)
- Spain > Catalonia (1)
- France > Île de France (10)
- Brazil > Rio de Janeiro (9)
- Brazil > Piauí (4)
- Brazil > Minas Gerais (2)
- Brazil > Bahia (1)
- Brazil > São Paulo (1)
- Angola > Luanda (9)
- South Africa > Gauteng (3)
- India (12)
- A Descendência Portuguesa de El-Rei D. João II - vol. III - pg. 110
- Dicionário das Famílias Portuguesas - pg. 134
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