Surname: Manoel
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Titles and Landlords
- Barons of São Pedro
- Counts of Arganil
- Counts of Atalaia
- Counts of Seia
- Counts of Valbom
- Dukes of Tancos
- Marquesses of Navarrés
- Marquesses of Tancos
- Lords of Atalaia
- Lords of Belmonte de Campos
- Lords of Carcelen
- Lords of Menezes
- Lords of Montealegre
- Lords of Salvaterra
- Lords of Salvaterra de Magos
- Lords of Tancos
- Lords of Morgado da Corte do Serrão
- Lords of Morgado de Penaverde
Posts and Professions
- Lords of the Manor of Santarém
- Bishops of Guarda
- Bishops of Coimbra
- Patriarchs of Lisbon
- Commanders of Idanha
- Commanders of São Vicente
- Commanders of Tife
- Chief Butlers
- Members of Parliament - Portugal
- Familiares do Santo Ofício
- Knights of the Royal House
- Governadores Civis da Guarda
- Priests
- Provedores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico-II
Geographic Distribution
- Portugal > Lisboa e Estremadura (40)
- Portugal > Beira (14)
- Portugal > Algarve (4)
- Portugal > Ribatejo (3)
- Portugal > Alentejo (2)
- Portugal > Porto e Douro (2)
- Portugal > Minho (1)
- Portugal > Açores (1)
- France > Île de France (1)
- Europa > Portugal (1)
- Dicionário das Famílias Portuguesas - pg. 241
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