Surname: Portugal
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Titles and Landlords
- Barons of Turvo
- Counts of Alcaudete
- Counts of Assumar
- Counts de Asumar [sp]
- Counts of Avintes
- Counts of Castañeda
- Counts of Deleitosa
- Counts of Gelves
- Counts of Arenales
- Counts of Oropesa
- Counts of Penalva
- Counts of San Estebán de Gormáz
- Counts of Sandim
- Counts of Vimioso
- Dukes of Escalona
- Dukes of la Vega
- Dukes of Veragua
- Grandees of Spain
- Marquesses of Aguiar
- Marquesses of Aguilar de Campoo
- Marquesses of Frechilla
- Marquesses of Guadalcazar
- Marquesses of Hinojares
- Marquesses of Jamaica
- Marquesses of La Breña
- Marquesses of La Eliseda
- Marquesses of Mejorada del Campo
- Marquesses of Rafol de Almunia
- Marquesses of Sauceda
- Marquesses of Trancoso
- Marquesses of Vellisca
- Marquesses of Villamizar
- Marquesses of Villanueva del Ariscal
- Marquesses of Villena
- Lords of Cascais
- Lords of Cifuentes
- Lords of Colmenarejo
- Lords of Valencia de Campos
- Lords of Villardompardo
- Lords of Morgado de Vale de Palma
Posts and Professions
- Archbishops of Funchal
- Bishops of Guarda
- Bishops of Lamego
- Bishops of Viseu
- Captains of Machico
- Commanders of Fronteira
- Commanders of Oreja
- Commanders of Pernes
- Commanders of Santa Maria de Pernes
- Commanders of Vimioso
- Members of Parliament - Portugal
- Engineers
- Familiares do Santo Ofício
- Governors of Portugal
- Governors of Paraná
- Medicine Doctors
- Ministers
- Prime Ministers of Peru
- Secretários de Estado dos Negócios da Fazenda
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico-II
- Vedores da Fazenda
- Viceroys of New Spain
Geographic Distribution
- Portugal > Lisboa e Estremadura (46)
- Portugal > Beira (25)
- Portugal > Minho (13)
- Portugal > Porto e Douro (7)
- Portugal > Ribatejo (3)
- Portugal > Trás-os-Montes (2)
- Portugal > Alentejo (2)
- Belgium > Brussels (2)
- Spain > Valencia (2)
- Spain > Andalusia (1)
- Spain > Madrid (1)
- Brazil > Minas Gerais (5)
- Brazil > Bahia (1)
- Brazil > Rio de Janeiro (1)
- Angola (1)
- Angola > Luanda (1)
- Angola > Benguela (1)
- Dicionário das Famílias Portuguesas - pg. 292
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