Surname: Sotomaior - Sotomayor - Sottomaior - Sottomayor -
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Titles and Landlords
- Barons of Fermil
- Barons of Seixo
- Counts of Amarante-S
- Counts of Aurora
- Counts of Belalcázar
- Counts of Caminha
- Counts of Colomera
- Counts of Crecente
- Counts of Crescente
- Counts of Guedes
- Condes de Morente
- Counts of Priegue
- Counts of Salvatierra
- Counts of San Bernardo
- Dukes of Arión
- Dukes of Béjar
- Dukes of Mandas y Villanueva
- Dukes of Plasencia
- Dukes of Sotomayor
- Marquesses of Ayamonte
- Marquesses of Baides
- Marquesses of Gibraleon
- Marquesses of Jodar
- Marquesses of los Arcos
- Marquesses of Mos
- Marquesses of Tenorio
- Marquesses of Valero
- Marquesses of Villamanrique
- Marquesses of Carpio
- Lords of Alconchel
- Lords of El Carpio
- Lords of Fermoselhe
- Lords of Flor da Murta
- Lords of Fornelos
- Lords of Lantanho
- Lords of Salvaterra
- Lords of Sotomaior
- Lords of Teans
- Lords of Morgado Cordovil
- Lords of Morgado da Aurora
- Lords of Morgado da Barbeita
- Lords of Morgado de Celeiros
- Lords of Morgado de Lanhelas
- Lords of Morgado dos Marinhos
- Viscounts of La Puebla de Alcocer
- Viscounts of Milhundos
- Viscounts of Tuy
- Viscounts of Veiros
- Viscounts of Mato
Posts and Professions
- Lawyers
- Lords of the Manor of Braga
- Lords of the Manor of Caminha
- Captains of Diu
- Captains of Goa
- Members of Parliament - Portugal
- Diplomats
- Writers
- Familiares do Santo Ofício
- Knights of the Royal House
- Governors of India
- Governors of Macau
- Governors of Mozambique
- Governors of Pernambuco
- Journalists
- Medicine Doctors
- Ministers
- Priests
- Sócios do Clube Tauromáquico-II
Geographic Distribution
- Portugal > Minho (78)
- Portugal > Porto e Douro (70)
- Portugal > Lisboa e Estremadura (61)
- Portugal > Beira (31)
- Portugal > Trás-os-Montes (12)
- Portugal > Açores (9)
- Portugal > Alentejo (9)
- Portugal > Algarve (3)
- Portugal > Ribatejo (2)
- Portugal > Madeira (1)
- Spain > Galicia (4)
- Spain > Extremadura (3)
- Spain > Andalusia (3)
- France > Aquitaine (1)
- Netherland > Utrecht (1)
- Brazil > Rio de Janeiro (2)
- Brazil > São Paulo (1)
- Angola > Luanda (1)
- South Africa > Gauteng (2)
- Dicionário das Famílias Portuguesas - pg. 327
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