mariarita | User

  • City: S.Teotónio, Portugal
  • Nationality: Portuguesa
  • Birth Date: 1961

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Forum posts by this user:

Records #14
Subject Date
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 03 Jan 2009 15:48
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 22 Aug 2008 21:49
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 10 Jun 2008 11:02
RE: procura de familia com nome Bio 01 Feb 2008 18:04
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 09 Jan 2008 19:16
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 07 Jan 2008 21:52
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 04 Jan 2008 18:14
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 20 Dec 2007 14:26
RE: Pintor José Malhôa 12 Dec 2007 19:12
Pintor José Malhôa 11 Dec 2007 18:33
RE: Homenagem a SMF El Rei D. Carlos I 31 Aug 2007 15:09
Capitão-Mor de Mortágua 12 Jul 2007 19:41
Sinde-Tábua 05 Jul 2007 17:19
RE: Ajuda no Arquivo Distrital de Coimbra 03 Jul 2007 11:39
Records #14

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