Luiz Jorge de Barbuda

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Luiz Jorge de Barbuda

#242444 | José-Manuel | 21 Oct 2009 16:37

Wind-sail-wagons & the Jesuit Luiz Jorge de Barbuda / Ludovicius Georgius
Caros amigos,

Gostaria de saber se este jesuíta Luiz Jorge de Barbuda é português?

Tenho outros portugueses jesuítas que visitaram o Tibete nos meus registos/arquivos mas não me lembro.
Este post serve igualmente para alguém investigar sobre estes carros com velas e eventual imagem do jesuíta Luiz Jorge de Barbuda, e muito mais que resta saber sobre este assunto.
Ver neste excelente site;
56 Kb Chinese (?) windwagons, and the Grand Lama of Tibet

Com votos de ver mais lusófonos a participar na pesquisa da face escondida esquecida da história Universal e portuguesa.

José Manuel CH-GE


From: Rob Braeken
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002
Subject: [MapHist] Chinese (?) windwagons, and the Grand Lama of Tibet

Dear Maphisters:

(1) the Grand Lama of Tibet (?) :
In d'Anville's "Nouvel Atlas de la Chine" of 1737 appeared the "Carte Generale du Thibet ou Bout-Tan et des pays de Kashgar et Hami". In the top of this map's cartouche a portrait appears of an unidentified man, dressed in what appears to be a robe. He might very well be the Grand Lama of Tibet; or one of the Jesuit priests who supplied the basic data for the map; or...??? I have found no reference to this portrait on the map, or in the atlas itself, or in its accompanying four text-volumes : the "Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise" by J.B. Du Halde. Does anybody know for sure who this is ?

(2) Chinese (?) wind-wagons:
On various 16th and 17th c. maps of China, (beginning with Ortelius' 1584 map of China by the Jesuit Luiz Jorge de Barbuda / Ludovicius Georgius), "wind- / sail-wagons" appear : was the concept of these wagons part of the stock of technical gadgets (clocks, steam-engines etc. ) that the Jesuits brought with them to China, to impress the inhabitants into conversion ; or was it the other way around ?
I have checked the verso-texts of the Ortelius and Hondius maps of China, without result. van Linschoten in his Itinerario mentions the wind-wagons in China ; but this in the 1590's, well after the first edition of the Ortelius map.


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