A grandeza da Duquesa de Alba

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A grandeza da Duquesa de Alba

#253194 | luso | 15 Apr 2010 17:51

She is 70 years, has 5 sons and 1 daughter. She was married with a duke and when he died she married an ex-jesuit (a brave and kind man). In the past she was famous for her battles against General Francisco Franco – former Spain’s dictator – mainly for ecologic topics… and sometimes she won…

She owns in Andalucia an estate of 34.000 hectares, in Madrid Palacio de Liria of 35OO square meters full of historicals paintings - Goya (his painting of a former Duquesa de Alba has a value of 20 millions euros) Rembrand, Tiziano, Rubens, Velasquez, El Greco - plus she owns a library of 33 000 books of great historical importance. One of those, the Biblia de Alba (1430) has a value of 2,5 millons euros,… in Sevilla she owns Palace Casa de Dueñas, in Salamanca Palacio de Monterrey, in San Sebastián Palace Arbaizenea, and so on… infinitely . She gived to the States of Spain 20 other palaces in the last 10 years.

She is rich of 600 millons euros. It is said that 80 000 persons depend on her. She was beloved until last years for her open-minded attitude, but now she has some problems with employees : she employs quite 42 000 persons, mainly for agrarians works in Andalucia (South of Spain).

Titles of María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva

XVIIIth Duquesa de Alba de Tormes (Grandeza de España)
XIth Duquesa de Berwick (Grandeza de España)
Duquesa de Arjona (Grandeza de España)
Duquesa de Híjar (Grandeza de España)
XIth Duquesa de Liria y Jérica (Grandeza de España)
XIVth Condesa-Duquesa de Olivares (Grandeza de España)
Marquesa de El Carpio (Grandeza de España)
XIIth Marquesa de la Algaba
Marquesa de Almenara
XIVth Marquesa de Barcarrota
Marquesa de Castañeda
XIXth Marquesa de Coria
Marquesa de Eliche
Marquesa de Mirallo
Marquesa de la Mota
Marquesa de Moya
XVIIth Marquesa de Orani
Marquesa de Osera
Marquesa de San Leonardo
Marquesa de Sárria
Marquesa de Tarazona
Marquesa de Valdunquillo
Marquesa de Villanueva del Fresno
Marquesa de Villanueva del Río
Condesa de Aranda (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Lemos (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Lerín y Condestablesa de Navarra (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Miranda del Castañar (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Monterrey (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Osorno (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Palma del Río (Grandeza de España)
Condesa de Villalba
Condesa de San Esteban de Gormaz
Condesa de Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Condesa de Andrade
Condesa de Ayala
Condesa de Casarrubios del Monte
Condesa de Fuentes de Valdepero
Condesa de Fuentidueña
Condesa de Galve
Condesa de Gelves
Condesa de Ribadeo
XIth Condesa de Tinmouth
Vizcondesa de la Calzada
XIth Baronesa de Bosworth

Her son’s and daughter’s titles:

Title of Carlos Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
XVIIIth Duque de Huéscar (Grandeza de España)
Title of Alfonso Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
Duque de Aliaga (Grandeza de España)
Title of Jacobo Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
Conde de Siruela (Grandeza de España)
Title of Fernando Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
Marqués de San Vicente del Barco (Grandeza de España)
Title of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
Conde de Salvatierra (Grandeza de España)
Title of Eugenia Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:
Duquesa de Montoro (Grandeza de España)

More skilled persons on the Forum will certainly explain why she is called Fitz-James Stuart and why she raises the titles of Duquesa de Berwick, XIth Condesa de Tinmouth , XIth Baronesa de Bosworth, as it does not sounds spanish... Anyway she is said to raise more titles than any royal in the world...

Your affected :D

M. Canard

pouvoir aux canards:
The sister of Empress Eugénie de Montijo (she was called Paquita) married a Duke of Alba, but she died rather young ( 1861, I guess )...

Have fun with the titles and a map...

M. Canard

I believe the Red Duchess is not the Duchess of Alba, but the Duchess of Medina Sidonia, dona Luisa Isabel Alvarez de Toledo y Maura (b. Estoril, Portugal August 18, 1936).

Arturo Beeche

The Duchy of Alba de Tormes was created in 1472 by King don Enrique IV of Castille (elder half-brother of Queen Isabel I) for don Garcia Alvarez de Toledo, Marques de Coria, Conde de Salvatierra and Conde de Alba de Tormes.

The title remained in the hands of the Alvarez de Toledo family until the time of the XIth Duchess of Alba (Maria Teresa Alvarez de Toledo d. 1755). Upon her death, she was succeeded as XIIth Duke of Alba by her son, don Fernando de Silva y (Alvarez de) Toledo, who died in 1776 and was succeeded by his granddaughter, dona Cayetana de Silva Alvarez de Toledo y Silva (1762-1802), she was the child of don Francisco de Paula de Silva y Toledo (Duke of Huescar) and of donna Maria del Pilar de Silva, a daughter of the Marques de Santa Cruz and the Condesa de Pie de Concha.

Cayetana de Silva, XIIIth Duchess of Alba de Tormes, was famous for her licentiousness and her myriad affairs, the most famous one being her entanglement with renowned Spanish painter don Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, who painted her several times. She was a force to be reckoned with in the Madrid of the first years of Carlos IV's reign. In 1775 Cayetana married don Jose Alvarez de Toledo y Gonzaga, the son of a distant relation, the Marques of Villafranca. That fateful year also witnessed the first time Cayetana and Goya met. She was not yet thirteen years old. Their next meeting would not take place until a few years later.

The XIIIth Duchess of Alba died in 1802 without leaving any issue. Her husband had predeceased her in 1796.

Cayetana's succcessor was her nephew don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, Duke of Berwick, Liria and Jerica. He became the XIVth Duke of Alba de Tormes. He was the father of Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Ventimiglia, XVth Duke of Alba, who married donna Maria Francisca de PALAFOX Y KIRKPATRICK, Condesa de Miranda, sister of the Empress of the French.

Jacobo and Maria Francisca were the parents of don Carlos Fitz-James Stuart y Palafox, XVIth Duke of Alba de Tormes (1849-1901), who in 1877 married Maria del Rosario Falco y Osorio, Countess of Siruela. They were parents of: Jacobo XVIIth Duke of Alba (1878-1953); Eugenia Countess de Teba (1880-1962) and Hernando, XVth Duke of Penaranda de Duero.

The XVIIth Duke of Alba was the intimate friend of King Alfonso XIII of Spain. He married in 1920 Maria del Rosario de Silva y Gurtubay, Marquesa de San Vicente del Barco and heiress to the duchy of Hijar. Their only child, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Silva (b. 1926) is the present Duchess of Alba, XVIIIth title holder.

Cayetana de Alba was firstly married to Luis Martinez de Irujo y Artazcoz, a son of the Dukes of Sotomayor, in a multitudinous ceremony held in Sevilla on October 12, 1948. They were the parents of six children:

Carlos Fitz-James Stuart:

XVIIIth Duque de Huéscar (Grandeza de España)

Alfonso Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:

Duque de Aliaga (Grandeza de España)

Jacobo Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:

Conde de Siruela (Grandeza de España)

Fernando Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:

Marqués de San Vicente del Barco (Grandeza de España)

Cayetano Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:

Conde de Salvatierra (Grandeza de España)

Eugenia Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart:

Duquesa de Montoro (Grandeza de España)

Not that Cayetan de Alba's eldest son has chosen the last name Fitz--James Stuart instead of that of Martinez de Irujo. This was done to preserve the Fitz-James Stuart name attached to the ancient title of Duke of Alba de Tormes. In Spain one's name can be changed thus and a son can adopt the last name of his mother.


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RE: A grandeza da Duquesa de Alba

#253217 | Mário Marques | 16 Apr 2010 09:25 | In reply to: #253194

Very Interesting, indeed!!


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A grandeza da Duquesa de Alba

#352302 | RCCORREIA | 20 Nov 2014 09:55 | In reply to: #253194

Nas notícias de hoje dá-se conta do seu falecimento aos 88 anos de idade depois duma vida plena e única.



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