Familia de Ferreira/da Gama Cruz

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Familia de Ferreira/da Gama Cruz

#15639 | sodapop | 12 Jan 2002 07:09

I'm writing in English so as to not embarrass myself with my limited Portuguese! Where would I write to to obtain birth/marriage certificates of my Father's family. I am interested in Julio Augusto Ferreira born in Macau (1876?)a Portuguese Naval Officer, and Ester Filomena da Gama Cruz from the parish of Aldegavinha, council of Alenquer. My father was born in Anjos, Lisboa, I found his birth certificate after he passed away. Any help would be great.
Muito Obrigado!!
Karen Ferreira


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RE: Familia de Ferreira/da Gama Cruz

#15640 | sodapop | 12 Jan 2002 07:18 | In reply to: #15639

I just wanted to add that I can read and speak Portugese fairly well, responses do not have to be in English. Also my father's name was Julio Carlos Cruz Ferreira and worked in the Lisbon Police Department for 13yrs before leaving Portugal. Just in case...
Thanks!(Sorry this was such a long post! :)


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