Da Silva - Graciosa

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Da Silva - Graciosa

#291313 | nivea324 | 17 Nov 2011 21:35


I'm looking for any information about my paternal grandfather. He was born in Graciosa Acores around 1900. He's the son of Manuel de Sousa da Silva & Candida Isabel. He moved to Terceira where he married my grandmother, Maria de Jesus Silveira.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

I read & speak portuguese, so replies can be in portuguese.

Thank you!
Nivea Linhares


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RE: Da Silva - Graciosa

#291315 | f4b2 | 17 Nov 2011 22:42 | In reply to: #291313

Cara Nivea Linhares

Estive a pesquisar no Anuário de 1908 em Santa Cruz da Graciosa e Praia da Graciosa,e ainda pesquisei a ilha Terceira,mas não vi os nomes que referiu,apesar de haver imensos SILVEIRAS ,mas mesmo assim deixo-lhe estes nomes,cito:

- MANOEL de SOUSA - Ferreiro na Praia da Graciosa em 1908

- MANOEL de SOUSA MACHADO - Negociante de Cereais e Productor de Vinho em Santa Cruz da Graciosa,1908

- MANOEL de SOUSA MENDES - Pirotecnia em Santa Cruz da Graciosa em 1908

Também vi na ilha da Terceira - MARIA da GLÓRIA SILVEIRA - Professora e a filha com o mesmo nome da Mãe, MARIA da GLÓRIA SILVEIRA,como ajudante ,1908


João Barroca


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RE: Da Silva - Graciosa

#291320 | nivea324 | 17 Nov 2011 23:41 | In reply to: #291315


Obrigada pela sua rapida resposta.

The only additional information I have is that he was born in Sao Mateus. He also had quite a few brothers... Antonio, Carlos, Francisco, Manuel are some of the ones my aunt (his daughter) remembers.

My grandmother, Maria de Jesus, was born in Porto Judeu, Terceira. I was able to find her baptismal records & they were married in Terceira since that's where my father & all my uncles & aunt were born there.

If you have access to the records of Sao Mateus Graciosa or if you can tell me how to access those records, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your help!


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RE: Da Silva - Graciosa

#291321 | f4b2 | 18 Nov 2011 00:21 | In reply to: #291320

Cara Nivea

Em S.Mateus: MANOEL de SOUSA PINHEIRO - Comerciante,1909

Em S.Caetano: JOSÉ SILVEIRA de SOUSA - Comerciante,1908

- FRANCISCO SILVEIRA de SOUSA - Fábrica de Distilação,1908



João Barroca


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RE: Da Silva - Graciosa

#291497 | nivea324 | 20 Nov 2011 22:44 | In reply to: #291321

Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, I don't think any of these are my ancestors. My grandfather was Joao de Sousa da Silva & his father was Manuel de Sousa da Silva. I know they didn't always follow the same last name but these don't fit into the dates that I have.

If you find any more, I'd appreciate it if you would pass the information.

Thank you!


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RE: Da Silva - Graciosa

#291580 | eliseu | 21 Nov 2011 23:07 | In reply to: #291497

Dear Nivea,

Please visit this url:
and look for any names that might be familiar to you. Hopping we connect,



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