Casa Real da Dinamarca
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Casa Real da Dinamarca
Um pequeno complemento à ascendencia de Mary Donaldson, Princesa da Dinamarca, e também à do sogro, o"conde" Henri de Montpezat
The Danish weekly "Billed-Bladet" has traced some of Mary Donaldson's Scottish roots. Her parents John Dalgleish Donaldson and Henrietta ("Etta") Clark Horne were both born in Port Seton near Edinburgh, and their wedding took place on 31 August 1963 in Chalmers Memorial Church in Port Seton. John Donaldson's mother Mary "May" Dalgleish died almost two years ago at the age of 89. In 1938 she had married Peter Donaldson (born around 1919), who died at the age of 67 during a flight from Scotland to Tasmania, where he had lived since 1959. Peter Donaldson (Mary's grandfather) was a son of Jeannie and Alexander Donaldson, who had nine other children: John, Annie, Alexander, Roy, George, Jeannie, Francis, Charlesina, and Margaret. The latter, Margaret Cunningham (75), is the only surviving sister of Mary's grandfather. She will attend the royal wedding in Copenhagen - as will probably also a maternal aunt of Mary Donaldson, who lives in Edinburgh (aged 71, name unknown).
Of couse Prince Henrik´s family is not noble, nor titled.
This family was studied by Joseph Valynseele in 1975 : " Les Laborde de Monpezat et leurs alliances " where we can find the informations mentionned here.
But first of all, one has the right to be astonished this wedding (Margareth with Henrik) was not considered as morganatic, since a few years later the same King Frederik IX didn´t recognize as dynastic his nephew´s weddings! And his nephew´s weddings could not be worse than-in the traditionnal meaning- than the one contracted by his daughter.
As a matter of fact, Henri de Laborde de Monpezat, born in 1934 is the second of 9 children, born between 1932 and 1947, while his mother Renée Doursenot (1908-2001) was still married (since 29th March 1931) with Louis Leuret (1881-1962), a Catholic pries who left his vows. The divorce was pronnounced only on 21st September 1940 when Renée Doursenot had had already 5 of her 9 children (including Henri, obvisously) by André de Laborde de Monpezat (1907-1998), by the way he got marrid to his mistress only on 22nd January 1948, when she had found time to give him further 4 children.
And, if it is not enough, Henrik´s grand-father, Henri de Laborde de Monpezat (1868-1929) was found guilty of murderer in November 1918 by having had assassinated captain Joseph Domenach -
his second wife´s lover - a crime which took place in September 1918.
It is not really a classical pedigree for being menber of a royal family!!!"
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