Alcaides | Posts
- Lords of the Manor of Pavia
- Lords of the Manor of Pena Maior
- Lords of the Manor of Penadono
- Lords of the Manor of Penagarcia
- Lords of the Manor of Penamacor
- Lords of the Manor of Penela
- Lords of the Manor of Penha Garcia
- Lords of the Manor of Pombal
- Lords of the Manor of Ponte do Lima
- Lords of the Manor of Portalegre
- Lords of the Manor of Portel
- Lords of the Manor of Porto
- Lords of the Manor of Porto de Mós
- Lords of the Manor of Proença-a-Velha
- Lords of the Manor of Punhete
- Lords of the Manor of Quesada
- Lords of the Manor of Ranhados
- Lords of the Manor of Redondo
- Lords of the Manor of Redondo
- Lords of the Manor of Rio de Janeiro
- Lords of the Manor of Sabugal
- Lords of the Manor of Salvaterra
- Lords of the Manor of Santar
- Lords of the Manor of Santarém
- Lords of the Manor of Santiago de Cacém
- Lords of the Manor of Secos
- Lords of the Manor of Seda
- Lords of the Manor of Seia
- Lords of the Manor of Seixo
- Lords of the Manor of Serpa
- Lords of the Manor of Sesimbra
- Lords of the Manor of Setúbal
- Lords of the Manor of Sevilha
- Lords of the Manor of Sevilha
- Lords of the Manor of Silves
- Lords of the Manor of Sines
- Lords of the Manor of Sintra
- Lords of the Manor of Sortelha
- Lords of the Manor of Soure
- Lords of the Manor of Sousel
- Lords of the Manor of Tarifa
- Lords of the Manor of Tavira
- Lords of the Manor of Terena
- Lords of the Manor of Toledo
- Lords of the Manor of Tomar
- Lords of the Manor of Torrão
- Lords of the Manor of Torrão
- Lords of the Manor of Torres Novas
- Lords of the Manor of Touxirola
- Lords of the Manor of Trancoso