Bishops | Posts
- Bishops of Linköping
- Bishops of Lisboa
- Bishops of Lisieux
- Bishops of Macau
- Bishops of Madras
- Bishops of Magdeburg
- Bishops of Mainz
- Bishops of Maiorca
- Bishops of Malaca
- Bishops of Málaga
- Bishops of Man
- Bishops of Mans
- Bishops of Mantua
- Bishops of Maranhão
- Bishops of Mauriana
- Bishops of Merseburg
- Bishops of Metz
- Bishops of Minden
- Bishops of Miranda
- Bishops of Modena
- Bishops of Moray
- Bishops of Mossoró
- Bishops of Münster
- Bishops of Nantes
- Bishops of Naumburg
- Bishops of Nevers
- Bishops of Norwich
- Bishops of Olinda
- Bishops of Olmütz
- Bishops of Olmutz
- Bishops of Orense
- Bishops of Orleans
- Bishops of Osma
- Bishops of Osnabrück
- Bishops of Osnabrueck
- Bishops of Ostrava
- Bishops of Oxford
- Bishops of Paderborn
- Bishops of Palencia
- Bishops of Pamplona
- Bishops of Paris
- Bishops of Passau
- Bishops of Peterborough
- Bishops of Pinhel
- Bishops of Portalegre
- Bishops of Porto
- Bishops of Praga
- Bishops of Pretoria
- Bishops of Puebla
- Bishops of Puy