Search by Names
"@P.N. Elsie"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Elsie Gladys Jezzard * 1893
- Elsie Glynn Petre * 1905
- Elsie Gove Thomson * 1899
- Elsie Hartman * 1872
- Elsie Haz Sarmiento
- Elsie Heeley Instone
- Elsie Helen Lawson † 30.11.1967
- Elsie Hendricks
- Hon. Elsie Holland-Hibbert * 18.01.1886
- Elsie Irene Pendlebury † 28.06.1975
- Elsie James
- Hon. Elsie Joan Tod Dewar * 24.11.1892
- Elsie Joy Morrow
- Elsie Kate Alderman * 1903
- Elsie Kingdom * 1877
- Elsie Kipling * 1896
- Elsie Leigh Walker
- Elsie Lilian Briquet
- Elsie Lilian Briquet Caradec
- Elsie Lily Woodbine Houston * 15.12.1994
- Elsie Louise Liddell
- Elsie Mackay † 13.03.1928
- Elsie Margaret Davis † 06.07.1945
- Elsie Margaret Mary Hamilton-Dalrymple * 10.06.1922
- Elsie Margaret Pinks † 26.03.1969
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".