Search by Names
"@P.N. Elsie"
Results ordered alphabetically:
- Elsie Margaret Travell Sronge * c. 1900
- Elsie Marguerite Perceval
- Elsie Marie Rodríguez y Colón
- Elsie Marie Ruis * 19.11.1910
- Elsie Mary Gray
- Elsie Mary Katherine Garbett
- Elsie Mary Parker
- Elsie Maud Randall * 1886
- Elsie May Baldwin † 1973
- Elsie May Bell * 08.05.1878
- Elsie May Brabazon * 1897
- Elsie May Heasman
- Elsie Micheline van Helleputte * 20.08.2016
- Elsie Milda Curtin * 30.12.1917
- Elsie Muriel Douglas-Hamilton
- Elsie N
- Elsie
- Elsie Naomi Hall * 10.01.1889
- Elsie Needham * 04.10.1890
- Elsie Nietzen Borges
- Elsie Noblett † 2004
- Elsie Pereira Leite Allen * 21.08.1924
- Elsie Peters
- Elsie Phyllis Corley
- Elsie Piddock † 1991
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".