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"Theresia "
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- Adelheid Maria Anna Theresia Eleonora, countess of und zu Altenfränking * 21.02.1801
- Adelheid Theresia Maria Anna Eleonora von Fränking zu Alten-Fränking * 21.02.1801
- Adriana Theresia van Grasveld
- Adriana Theresia de Lannoy * 10.12.1856
- Aglaia Marie Agnes Margarethe Theresia, countess of Thun und Hohenstein-Mirbach * 15.10.1955
- Agnes Charlotte Ernestine Marie Theresia, countess of Stolberg-Stolberg * 30.10.1833
- Alberta Theresia Katharina Maria Gabriele von Hofer * 12.12.1884
- Aleid Maria Theresia von Twickel
- Alice Antoinette Maria Theresia Filippa Alexandra, Prinzessin zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst * 31.05.1990
- Aloisia Maria Gabriela Theresia Eleonora Josepha Walburga Stanislaa, countess Wilczek * 25.02.1841
- Aloisia Theresia Kober * 1770
- Aloysia Felicitas Josepha Antonia Maria Anna Hyacintha Theresia, countess Fugger von Glött * 07.09.1824
- Aloysia Klara Barbara Theresia Elisabeth Györigyörmörei es töllvari Gyömörey * 12.08.1815
- Aloysia Theresia Maria Anna Antonia Wilhelmina Greiffenclau von Volrads * 11.04.1773
- Amalia Aloysia Maria Theresia Josepha Philomela Antonia, countess Fugger von Glött * 04.05.1837
- Amalia Franziska Theresia von Berghes * 15.10.1797
- Amalia Maria Theresia Josephe Gabriele Anna, princess of Lippe-Weissenfeld * 19.12.1893
- Amalia Theresia Elisabeth Maria Josefa Benedicta, countess of Wilczek * 22.09.1917
- Amalia Theresia Maria Sosthena, countess of Nostitz-Rieneck * 28.11.1935
- Amalie Charlotte Theresia, baroness Löffelholtz von Colberg * 03.12.1908
- Amalie Maria Theresia Sophie, countess palatine of Sulzbach * 31.05.1651
- Amalie Theresia, countess of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort * 19.01.1659
- Amalie Theresia, countess of Tauffkirchen * 06.05.1817
- Amelia Raba Maria Theresia Wilhelmine Schellart von Obbendorf * 18.06.1721
- Amelie Maria Assumpta Theresia Anna Jolanthe Josefa, countess of Garnerin von Montgelas * 18.03.1954
Search hint: use "*" in the end of a word when you don't know the termination. For example, "Roch*" will return records containing "Rocha" and "Rocheta".