Counts of Looz-Corswarem
Condes de Looz-Corswarem
Family filter On/Off- Adolphe Cesar, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1817
- Albert Hippolyte, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1838
- Alphonse, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1836
- Antoine Isidore Louis Gosuin Marie Ghislain, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1906
- Antoine, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1994
- Arnold, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1982
- Arnold, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1895
- Arnould Alphonse Georges Marie Joseph Gerard, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1929
- Arnould Isidore Marie Gaston, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1927
- Arnould, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1846
- Benoît, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1942
- Gaston Marie Joseph, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1868
- Georges Ferdinand Henri Hippolyte, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1845
- Hippolyte Edouard, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1817
- Jacques Goswin Marie Isidore Gaston Ghislain Louis, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1911
- Jean Hippolyte Alphonse Oscar, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1893
- Jean Marie Alphonse Georges Raoul Gerard, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1927
- Jean-Baptiste, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1977
- Leopold Isidore, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1827
- Louis Desire, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1840
- Louis Isidore Alfred Marie, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1873
- Louis-Guillaume, count of Looz-Corswarem
- Louis, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1945
- Maurice Gabriel Albert, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1870
- Pierre Desire, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1904
- Pierre Marie Joseph Jean Ghislain, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1929
- Raphaël, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1982
- René Arthur Marie Joseph Ghislain Hubert, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1866
- René-Michel, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1948
- Robert Edmond Ferdinand Alfred Hippolyte Arnould, count de Looz-Corswarem * 1883
- Rodolphe, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1944
- Roger Maximilian Jean Ghislain, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1897
- Thierry Marie Antoine Jacques Gaston Ghislain, count of Looz-Corswarem * 1932
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