Baronesses of Fürstenwärther
Freiinen von Fürstenwärther
Family filter On/Off- Amalia Karoline Sidonie, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1753
- Charlotte Wilhelmine, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1779
- Eleonore Wilhelmine Karoline, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1736
- Elisabeth Dorothea Friederike Karoline Ernestine, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1764
- Friederike Charlotte Jeannette, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1747
- Gabriele, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1848
- Karoline Amalia, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1783
- Karoline Auguste Amalia Louise, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1780
- Karoline Christiane Louise, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1743
- Karoline Maria Theresia, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1804
- Klementine, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1837
- Kreszentia Eleonore, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1888
- Leopoldine Dorothea Karoline, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1722
- Louise Wilhelmine Elisabeth Philippine, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1725
- Maria Eleonore Karoline Theresia, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1807
- Marianne, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1851
- Marie Elisabeth, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1679
- N, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1817
- Pauline, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1839
- Rosina Maria Theresia Anna Antonia Karoline Josepha, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1802
- Rudolphine, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1859
- Sophia Louise Charlotte, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1734
- Sophia Wilhelmine Theresia, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1750
- Wilhelmine Louise, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1713
- Wilhelmine Philippine Karoline Friederike, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1774
- Wilhelmine Sophie Louise Karoline, baroness of Fürstenwärther * 1770
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