Countesses of Schwerin
Gräfinen von Schwerin
Family filter On/Off- Adele, countess of Schwerin * 1838
- Adelheid, countess of Schwerin
- Adolfine Henriette Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1830
- Adolfine, countess of Schwerin
- Agnes Dorothea, countess of Schwerin * 1653
- Agnes Juliana, countess of Schwerin
- Agnes, countess of Schwerin
- Agnes, countess of Schwerin
- Agnes, countess of Schwerin * 1837
- Alena, countess of Schwerin
- Alexandra Clara Sophie, countess of Schwerin * 1930
- Alexandra Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1925
- Alexandra Helene Anneliese, countess of Schwerin * 1962
- Alexandra Izabel Asta, countess of Schwerin * 1927
- Alexandra, countess of Schwerin * 1899
- Alexandra, countess of Schwerin * 1957
- Alexandrine Johanna Friederike Franziska, countess of Schwerin * 1813
- Alice Friederike, countess of Schwerin * 1958
- Alice Margarethe, countess of Schwerin * 1980
- Amalie Christine Friederike, countess of Schwerin * 1769
- Amalie Sophie Friederike, countess of Schwerin * 1820
- Amalie Wilhelmine Friederike Juliane Marie Beate, countess of Schwerin
- Amalie Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1734
- Amelie H.M.A, countess of Schwerin
- Amelie, countess of Schwerin
- Amelie, countess of Schwerin
- Angelika Irmgard Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1934
- Ann Doree Yvonne, countess of Schwerin * 1970
- Anna Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1974
- Anna Cordula, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Dorée Yvonne, countess of Schwerin * 1970
- Anna Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Katharina, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Margaretha Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Maria Barbara, countess of Schwerin * 1872
- Anna Renate Margarethe, countess of Schwerin * 1940
- Anna Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Anna Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Anna, countess of Schwerin
- Anna, countess of Schwerin
- Anna, countess of Schwerin
- Anna, countess of Schwerin
- Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1839
- Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1867
- Anna, countess of Schwerin
- Anne Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1970
- Anneliese, countess of Schwerin * 1923
- Anni, countess of Schwerin
- Beata Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Beate Alexandrine, countess of Schwerin * 1950
- Beatrice, countess of Schwerin
- Beatrix, countess of Schwerin
- Benita Agnes Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1919
- Bernhardine Henriette Amalie, countess of Schwerin * 1767
- Bertha Luise Caroline Auguste, countess of Schwerin * 1805
- Brita Catharina, countess of Schwerin
- Carla Priska Maria Theresia, countess of Schwerin * 1958
- Carola Ottonie, countess of Schwerin
- Caroline, countess of Schwerin
- Caroline, countess of Schwerin * 1822
- Caroline, countess of Schwerin
- Caroline, countess of Schwerin
- Catharine, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Christina, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Elisabeth Luise Bertha, countess of Schwerin * 1826
- Charlotte Elisabeth Marie Anna Valeria Ida, countess of Schwerin * 1861
- Charlotte Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Filippina, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Luise Dorothea Ottilie, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Margarete Felicia, countess of Schwerin * 1885
- Charlotte Rosina, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte Sophie, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1757
- Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Christa Benita Marion Karin, countess of Schwerin * 1942
- Christa Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1926
- Christa Sigrid Margarethe, countess of Schwerin * 1922
- Christa, countess of Schwerin
- Christine Elisabeth Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1896
- Clara Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Clara Viktoria Walti Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1926
- Clementine Eugenie Leopoldine, countess of Schwerin * 1825
- Clementine Maria Wilhelmine Friederike, countess of Schwerin * 1812
- Constance, countess of Schwerin
- Cordula, countess of Schwerin
- Cornelia, countess of Schwerin
- Cornelia, countess of Schwerin * 1968
- Cornelie, countess of Schwerin
- Dagmar, countess of Schwerin * 1951
- Dagmar, countess of Schwerin * 1955
- Dagmar, countess of Schwerin * 1894
- Diana, countess of Schwerin * 1984
- Dietlind Viktoria Wally, countess of Schwerin * 1922
- Dinah Karen, countess of Schwerin * 1957
- Doris, countess of Schwerin * 1952
- Dorothea Christian, countess of Schwerin
- Dorothea Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Dorothea Luise Albertine, countess of Schwerin
- Dorothea Margaretha, countess of Schwerin
- Dorothea Maria, countess of Schwerin
- Dorothea Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1718
- Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba Beata Magdalena Ottiliana, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba Lovisa Ulrika Martina, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba Magdalena, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba, countess of Schwerin
- Ebba, countess of Schwerin
- Edeltraut Elsa Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1921
- Edith Agnes Emma Paula Eva, countess of Schwerin * 1890
- Edith, countess of Schwerin * 1888
- Editha Antonie Auguste Therese Marie Lucie Jutta Freda, countess of Schwerin * 1914
- Ehrengard, countess of Schwerin
- Eleonora Charlotte Filippina Fredrika Lovisa, countess of Schwerin
- Eleonore, countess of Schwerin * 1925
- Elisabeth Annelore Helene, countess of Schwerin * 1925
- Elisabeth Charlotte Marie Augusta Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1858
- Elisabeth Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Elisabeth Eugenie Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1869
- Elisabeth Luise Ulrike Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1804
- Elisabeth Marie Agnes Huberta, countess of Schwerin * 1922
- Elisabeth Sophia, countess of Schwerin * 1671
- Elisabeth Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Elisabeth Sophie Dorothea Wilhelmine Amalie, countess of Schwerin * 1749
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1863
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1869
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1888
- Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Elma Irmgard, countess of Schwerin * 1942
- Elsa Regina, countess of Schwerin
- Elsa, countess of Schwerin
- Else, countess of Schwerin * 1889
- Emma Caroline Friederike Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1807
- Emma Leopoldine Wilhelmine Agnes, countess of Schwerin * 1815
- Emmy Ida Luise Karoline Mathilde, countess of Schwerin * 1873
- Erdmuth, countess of Schwerin * 1830
- Erika, countess of Schwerin
- Ermingarda, countess of Schwerin
- Erna, countess of Schwerin * 1891
- Esther Agnes Anna Ruth Septima, countess of Schwerin * 1937
- Estrid Edith Ida Margarete, countess of Schwerin * 1898
- Eugenia Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Eugenie, countess of Schwerin * 1860
- Eva Charlotte Ottiliana Amalia, countess of Schwerin
- Eva Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Eva Renata, countess of Schwerin * 1867
- Franziska Maria Lisa, countess of Schwerin * 1972
- Freda, countess of Schwerin * 1904
- Fredrika Catharina Sofia, countess of Schwerin
- Friederike Adolfine Sophie Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1799
- Friederike Adolphine Henriette Sophie, countess of Schwerin
- Friederike Wilhelma Luise Ida Hedwig Margarete Wally Elisabeth Fanny, countess of Schwerin * 1888
- Friederike, countess of Schwerin
- Friedrich Wilhelm, countess of Schwerin
- Gabriele Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1954
- Gabriele, countess of Schwerin * 1932
- Gerda Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1920
- Gerda Sophie Ida, countess of Schwerin * 1934
- Gerda-Luise Leonie Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1920
- Gerda, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud, countess of Schwerin * 1850
- Gertrud, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud, countess of Schwerin
- Gertrud, countess of Schwerin * 1857
- Gisela Luise Rosemarie Dorothea, countess of Schwerin * 1910
- Gloria, countess of Schwerin * 1942
- Gudrun Marie Elisabeth Adolfine, countess of Schwerin * 1901
- Gudrun, countess of Schwerin * 1878
- Gunild Luise Ida Edith Hildegard Lucie Friederike Hedwig, countess of Schwerin * 1882
- Gustava Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Hannah, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig Amalia Augusta, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig Christiane Luise Adele Henriette Ottilie Frieda Hildegarde, countess of Schwerin * 1869
- Hedwig Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig Henriette, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig Johanna, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Hedwig, countess of Schwerin * 1856
- Heidy Margarete Marie-Annette, countess of Schwerin * 1917
- Helena Agnes, countess of Schwerin
- Helena Ilsabe, countess of Schwerin
- Helena Maria, countess of Schwerin
- Helena, countess of Schwerin
- Helena, countess of Schwerin
- Helene Henriette Anna Louise Hildegard, countess of Schwerin * 1915
- Helene, countess of Schwerin * 1854
- Helene, countess of Schwerin
- Helene, countess of Schwerin
- Helene, countess of Schwerin * 1860
- Henriette Wilhelmine Adolphine Laura, countess of Schwerin
- Henriette Wilhelmine Amalie, countess of Schwerin * 1755
- Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1756
- Hertha Agnes Emma Pauline Friederike Marie Eva, countess of Schwerin * 1887
- Hertha Maria Edeltraut, countess of Schwerin * 1902
- Hertha Marie Luise Prisca, countess of Schwerin * 1908
- Hildegard Ida Klara Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1888
- Hildegard, countess of Schwerin
- Hildegard, countess of Schwerin
- Hildegard, countess of Schwerin * 1842
- Hildegard, countess of Schwerin * 1928
- Ida Anna Sophie, countess of Schwerin * 1857
- Ida Helene, countess of Schwerin * 1884
- Ida Luise, countess of Schwerin
- Ida, countess of Schwerin * 1891
- Ilsabe, countess of Schwerin * 1872
- Ilse Adelheid Mathilde Emmy Karola, countess of Schwerin * 1890
- Ilse, countess of Schwerin * 1900
- Ingeborg Charlotte Cecilie, countess of Schwerin * 1906
- Ingeborg-Elisabeth Henriette Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1908
- Ingeborg, countess of Schwerin
- Ingeborg, countess of Schwerin
- Irene Ida Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1902
- Iris Antoinette, countess of Schwerin * 1952
- Irmela Thoma Ida Hildegard, countess of Schwerin * 1886
- Irmgard Lonny Anna Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1886
- Irmgard, countess of Schwerin * 1896
- Isabella Friederike Pauline Anna Erna Helene, countess of Schwerin * 1895
- Jaro Karoline Elisabeth Emilie, countess of Schwerin * 1862
- Johanna, countess of Schwerin * 1872
- Josefina Hedwig, countess of Schwerin
- Josephine Elisabeth Felicitas, countess of Schwerin * 1836
- Julia, countess of Schwerin * 1988
- Juliana Beata Carolina, countess of Schwerin
- Juliane Christiane Friederike Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1762
- Juliane Helene, countess of Schwerin
- Julie Christiane Friederike Luise, countess of Schwerin
- Julie Sophie Dorothea Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1764
- Karin, countess of Schwerin
- Karoline Wilhelmine Sophie, countess of Schwerin * 1780
- Karoline Wilhelmine Ulrike Beate, countess of Schwerin
- Karoline, countess of Schwerin
- Katharina Charlotte Bernhardine, countess of Schwerin * 1983
- Katharina Maria, countess of Schwerin
- Katharina Natalja, countess of Schwerin * 1992
- Katharina, countess of Schwerin
- Klara Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Klementine, countess of Schwerin * 1825
- Konradine, countess of Schwerin
- Kunigunde, countess of Schwerin
- Laura, countess of Schwerin
- Le Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Louise Annemarie Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1932
- Louise, countess of Schwerin
- Louise, countess of Schwerin
- Lovisa Mariana Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Lovisa, countess of Schwerin
- Lucie Agnes Viktoria, countess of Schwerin * 1864
- Luise Caroline Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1810
- Luise Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Luise Friederike Laura, countess of Schwerin * 1809
- Luise Juliane Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Luise Pauline Friederike Christine, countess of Schwerin * 1822
- Luise Thekla, countess of Schwerin * 1948
- Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1837
- Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1853
- Margarete Angelique, countess of Schwerin * 1865
- Margarete Liselotte Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1952
- Margarete, countess of Schwerin
- Margarethe Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin
- Margarethe, countess of Schwerin
- Margarethe, countess of Schwerin * 1856
- Margit, countess of Schwerin
- Maria Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1720
- Maria Beata Wilhelmine Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1827
- Maria Katharina, countess of Schwerin
- Maria-Irmgard, countess of Schwerin
- Maria, countess of Schwerin
- Mariana Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Mariana Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Mariana Eleonora, countess of Schwerin
- Mariana Ulrika, countess of Schwerin
- Marianne, countess of Schwerin
- Marie Adelheid Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1839
- Marie Cecilie Anna-Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1910
- Marie Philippine, countess of Schwerin * 1868
- Marie-Agnes Anna Eugenie, countess of Schwerin * 1888
- Marie-Agnes Christa Felicitas, countess of Schwerin * 1928
- Marie-Agnes, countess of Schwerin * 1898
- Marie-Louise, countess of Schwerin
- Marie, countess of Schwerin
- Marie, countess of Schwerin
- Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1844
- Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1853
- Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1825
- Marta, countess of Schwerin * 1890
- Martha Agnes Gertrud Bertha, countess of Schwerin * 1854
- Martina Caroline Julia Maria, countess of Schwerin
- Martina, countess of Schwerin
- Mathilde, countess of Schwerin
- Mechthild Maria Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1956
- Mechthild, countess of Schwerin
- Mechtild, countess of Schwerin
- Michaela, countess of Schwerin * 1989
- Miriam Helga Taiz, countess of Schwerin * 1968
- Monika, countess of Schwerin * 1960
- Ottiliana Augusta, countess of Schwerin
- Ottiliana Eleonora Catharina, countess of Schwerin
- Ottiliana, countess of Schwerin
- Ottonette Sophie Ulrike, countess of Schwerin
- Ottonette Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin
- Ottonia Henriette, countess of Schwerin * 1675
- Paula Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1918
- Petra, countess of Schwerin * 1941
- Philippine Beata Sophie Dorothea Friederike, countess of Schwerin * 1785
- Philippine Friederike, countess of Schwerin
- Prisca Maria Ernestine, countess of Schwerin * 1897
- Regina das Gracas Margarethe, countess of Schwerin * 1955
- Renate Alix Maria Anna, countess of Schwerin * 1924
- Renate, countess of Schwerin
- Richissa, countess of Schwerin
- Rikardis, countess of Schwerin
- Rosalie Wilhelmine Ernestine Sophie Ottilie, countess of Schwerin * 1811
- Rose Irene Ulrike Dorothea, countess of Schwerin * 1923
- Rose-Elisabeth, countess of Schwerin * 1891
- Rose-Marie Gertrud, countess of Schwerin * 1917
- Rosemarie Lily Claire Agnes, countess of Schwerin * 1921
- Ruth Anna Magdalene, countess of Schwerin * 1892
- Sabine, countess of Schwerin * 1964
- Sara Beata, countess of Schwerin
- Sibylle, countess of Schwerin
- Sigrid, countess of Schwerin * 1913
- Sofia Fredrika, countess of Schwerin
- Sofia Vilhelmina, countess of Schwerin
- Sophia Agnes, countess of Schwerin
- Sophia Dorothea, countess of Schwerin
- Sophia, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Charlotte, countess of Schwerin * 1714
- Sophie Dorothea Henriette, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Eleonore, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Juliane Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Karoline, countess of Schwerin * 1712
- Sophie Luise, countess of Schwerin * 1978
- Sophie Luise, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Ulrike, countess of Schwerin
- Sophie Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin * 1723
- Sophie-Gabriele Helene Vera, countess of Schwerin * 1923
- Sophie, countess of Schwerin
- Sylvia, countess of Schwerin
- Ulrica, countess of Schwerin
- Ulrika, countess of Schwerin
- Ulrike Sophie Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Ulrike Therese Julie Christine, countess of Schwerin * 1808
- Ulrike-Bettina, countess of Schwerin * 1960
- Ursula, countess of Schwerin
- Valerie, countess of Schwerin * 1863
- Vendla, countess of Schwerin
- Vera Isabelle, countess of Schwerin * 1977
- Vera Johanna, countess of Schwerin * 1880
- Vera Luise Hedwig, countess of Schwerin * 1890
- Verena Ines, countess of Schwerin * 1987
- Vibeke Franziska, countess of Schwerin * 1956
- Viola-Sabine, countess of Schwerin * 1963
- Walti Luise Agnes, countess of Schwerin * 1897
- Waltraut, countess of Schwerin
- Wanda, countess of Schwerin * 1883
- Wilhelmine Albertine, countess of Schwerin
- Wilhelmine Amalie Albertine Antoinette Luise Caroline, countess of Schwerin * 1786
- Wilhelmine Charlotte, countess of Schwerin
- Wilhelmine Friederike Alexandrine Franziska, countess of Schwerin * 1813
- Wilhelmine Sophie Marie, countess of Schwerin * 1765
- Wilhelmine, countess of Schwerin
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