Marquesses of San Felices
Marqueses de San Felices
Family filter On/Off- 6 Francisco Galiano y Davila, 6th marquess of San Felices * 1772
- 7 María Ana Galiano y Davila, 7th marquise of San Felices * 1774
- 8 Mariano Guillamas y Galiano, 8th marquess of San Felices, count of Alcolea de Torote * 1801
- 9 Fernando Guillamas y Castañón, 9th marquess of San Felices * 1823
- 10 José Maria Guillamas y Pineyro, 10th marquess of San Felices * 1857
- 11 Isabel Guillamas y Caro, 11st marquise of San Felices * 1887
- 12 María de la Concepcion Azlor de Aragon y Guillamas, 12nd marquise of San Felices * 1924
- Juan Felipe Rebolledo de Palafox, 3rd marquess of Lazán e Cañizar * bp 1721
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