Prime Ministers of Austria (Chancellors)
Premierminister von Österreich (Bundeskanzler)
Family filter On/Off- 1 Johann Christoph, baron of Bartenstein * 1689
- 2 Corfitz Anton, count of Ulfeldt * 1699
- 3 Václav Antonín Dominik, prince of Kaunitz and Rietberg * 1711
- 4 Johann Philipp, count of Cobentzl * 1741
- 5 Johann Amadeus Franz von Paula, baron of Thugut * 1736
- 6 Johann Ludwig, count of Cobentzl * 1753
- 7 Johann Philipp Carl Joseph, count of Stadion-Warthausen * 1763
- 8 Clement, prince of Metternich-Winneburg * 1773
- 9 Alfred, prince of Windisch-Graetz * 1787
- 10 Franz Anton, count of Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky * 1778
- 11 Karl Ludwig, count of Ficquelmont * 1777
- 12 Franz, baron of Pillersdorf * 1786
- 13 Anton, baron of Doblhoff-Dier * 1800
- 14 Johann, baron of Wessenberg * 1773
- 15 Felix, prince of Schwarzenberg * 1800
- 16 Karl Ferdinand, count of Buol-Schauenstein * 1797
- 17 Johann Bernhard, count of Rechberg und Rothenlöwen * 1806
- 18 Rainer, Archduke of Austria * 1827
- 19 Alexander Constantin von Mensdorff-Pouilly, 1. Fürst von Dietrichstein zu Nikolsburg * 1813
- 20 Richard, count of Belcredi * 1823
- 21 Friedrich Ferdinand, count of Beust * 1809
- 22 Charles William Philipp, prince of Auersperg, duke of Gottschee * 1814
- 23 Eduard, count Taaffe * 1833
- 24 Ignaz Edler von Plener * 1810
- 25 Leopold Hasner von Artha * 1818
- 26 Alfred Józef, count Potocki * 1817
- 27 Karl, count of Hohenwart * 1824
- 28 Ludwig, baron of Holzgethan * 1810
- 29 Adolf Wilhelm Carl Daniel, prince of Auersperg * 1821
- 30 Karl von Stremayr * 1823
- 31 Eduard, count Taaffe * 1833
- 32 Alfred III, prince of Windisch-Grätz * 1851
- 33 Erich, count of Kielmannsegg * 1847
- 34 Kazimierz Felix, count Badeni * 1846
- 35 Paul, baron Gautsch * 1851
- 36 Franz Anton, 1st prince of Thun and Hohenstein * 1847
- 37 Manfred, count of Clary und Aldringen * 1852
- 38 Heinrich von Wittek * 1834
- 39 Ernst von Körber * 1850
- 40 Paul, baron Gautsch * 1851
- 41 Conrad, prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst * 1863
- 42 Max Wladimir, baron of Beck * 1854
- 43 Richard, baron of Bienerth * 1863
- 44 Paul, baron Gautsch * 1851
- 45 Karl, Reichsgraf von Stürgkh * 1859
- 46 Ernst von Körber * 1850
- 47 Heinrich, count of Clam-Martiniz * 1863
- 48 Ernst Seidler von Feuchtenegg * 1862
- 49 Max, baron Hussarek von Heinlein * 1865
- 50 Heinrich Lammasch * 1853
- 51 Karl Renner * 1870
- 52 Michael Mayr * 1864
- 53 Johann Schober * 1874
- 54 Ignaz Seipel * 1876
- 55 Rudolf Ramek * 1881
- 56 Ignaz Seipel
- 57 Ernst Streeruwitz * 1874
- 58 Johann Schober * 1874
- 59 Karl Vaugoin * 1873
- 60 Otto Ender * 1875
- 61 Karl Buresch * 1878
- 62 Engelbert Dollfuss * 1892
- 63 Kurt Edler von Schuschnigg * 1897
- 64 Arthur Seyss-Inquart * 1892
- 65 Karl Renner * 1870
- 66 Leopold Figl * 1902
- 67 Julius Raab * 1891
- 68 Alfons Gorbach * 1898
- 69 Josef Klaus * 1910
- 70 Bruno Kreisky * 1911
- 71 Fred Sinowatz * 1929
- 72 Franz Vranitzky * 1937
- 73 Viktor Klima * 1947
- 74 Wolfgang Schüssel * 1945
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