Counts of Kinnoull
Condes de Kinnoull
Family filter On/Off- 1 George Hay, 1st earl of Kinnoull * 1570
- 2 George Hay, 2nd earl of Kinnoull * c. 1600
- 3 George Hay, 3rd earl of Kinnoull
- 4 William Hay, 4th earl of Kinnoull
- 5 George Hay, 5th earl of Kinnoull
- 6 William Hay, 6th earl of Kinnoull
- 7 Thomas Hay, 7th earl of Kinnoull * c. 1660
- 8 George Henry Hay, 8th earl of Kinnoull * 1689
- 9 Thomas Hay, 9th earl of Kinnoull * 1710
- 10 Robert Auriol Hay-Drummond 10th earl of Kinnoull * 1751
- 11 Thomas Robert Hay-Drummond, 11th earl of Kinnoull * 1785
- 12 George Hay-Drummond, 12th earl of Kinnoull * 1827
- 13 Archibald FitzRoy George Hay-Drummond, 13th earl of Kinnoull * 1855
- 14 George Harley Hay-Drummond, 14th earl of Kinnoull * 1902
- 15 Arthur William George Patrick Hay, 15th earl of Kinnoull * 1935
- 16 Charles William Harley Hay, 16th earl of Kinnoull * 1962
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