Duchesses of Oldenburg
Herzoginnen von Oldenburg
Family filter On/Off- Alexandra, duchess of Oldenburg * 1838
- Alexandrine, duchess of Oldenburg * 1900
- Alice, duchess of Oldenburg * 1986
- Anastasia, duchess of Oldenburg * 1982
- Beatrix, duchess of Oldenburg * 1971
- Bibrane, duchess of Oldenburg * 1974
- Cara, duchess of Oldenburg * 1993
- Eilika, duchess of Oldenburg * 1972
- Friederike, duchess of Oldenburg * 1820
- Helena, duchess of Oldenburg * 1953
- Ingeborg Alice, duchess of Oldenburg * 1901
- Katharina, duchess of Oldenburg * 1997
- Katharina, duchess of Oldenburg * 1846
- Margarete, duchess of Oldenburg * 1954
- Maria Friederike Cecília, duchess of Oldenburg * 1842
- N, duchess of Oldenburg * 1857
- Rixa, duchess of Oldenburg * 1970
- Rixa, duchess of Oldenburg * 1924
- Sophie Charlotte, duchess of Oldenburg * 1879
- Sophie, duchess of Oldenburg * 1972
- Tatiana, duchess of Oldenburg * 1974
- Theresa, duchess of Oldenburg * 1852
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