Counts of Pappenheim
Grafen von Pappenheim
Family filter On/Off- 1 Friedrich Albrecht, count of Pappenheim * 1777
- 2 Ludwig Ferdinand Friedrich Carl Alexander Haupt, count und lord of Pappenheim * 1815
- 3 Maximilian Albrecht Friedrich Karl Ludwig Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1860
- 4 Ludwig Magnus, count of Pappenheim * 1862
- 5 Alexander Julius, count of Pappenheim * 1905
- 5 Ludwig Friedrich Karl Marie Franz Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1898
- 6 Albert Julius Joseph Alexander Siegfried Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1943
- Achaz, count of Pappenheim
- Adam Wolfgang Christoph, count of Pappenheim
- Albrecht Karl Ludwig Georg Erkinger, count of Pappenheim * 1861
- Albrecht Ludwig Friedrich, count of Pappenheim * 1723
- Alexander Joseph, count of Pappenheim * 1819
- Alexander Maria Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1948
- Christian Ernst, count of Pappenheim * 1674
- Christoph Ulrich, count of Pappenheim * 1546
- Christoph, count of Pappenheim
- Christoph, count of Pappenheim * 1538
- Erasmus, count of Pappenheim
- Erkinger I, count of Pappenheim
- Erkinger III, count of Pappenheim
- Erkinger IV, count of Pappenheim
- Franz Adam, count of Pappenheim
- Franz Christoph, count of Pappenheim
- Friedrich Ernst, count of Pappenheim * 1698
- Friedrich Ferdinand Heinrich Wilhelm Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1863
- Friedrich Ferdinand Karl Ludwig Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1908
- Friedrich Ferdinand, count of Pappenheim
- Friedrich Ferdinand, count of Pappenheim * 1702
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Pappenheim * 1737
- Friedrich, count of Pappenheim
- Georg Eduard Paul Viktor Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1909
- Georg Heinrich Maria Otto Gotthard Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1981
- Georg I, count of Pappenheim * c. 1430
- Georg I, count of Pappenheim
- Georg II, count of Pappenheim
- Georg II, count of Pappenheim
- Georg II, count of Pappenheim
- Georg III, count of Pappenheim * 1519
- Georg Wilhelm Philipp, count of Pappenheim * 1595
- Gottfried Heinrich, count of Pappenheim * 1594
- Haupt Ludwig Friedrich Ernst, count of Pappenheim * 1869
- Haupto I, count of Pappenheim
- Haupto II, count of Pappenheim
- Haupto III, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich Burkhard, count of Pappenheim * 1551
- Heinrich I, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich I, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich III, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich IV, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich V, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich VI, count of Pappenheim
- Heinrich, count of Pappenheim
- Hieronymus Friedrich Anton Ernst, count of Pappenheim * 1775
- Hildebrach, count of Pappenheim
- Joachim, count of Pappenheim * 1548
- Joachim, count of Pappenheim
- Johann Friedrich Ferdinand, count of Pappenheim * 1727
- Johann Friedrich, count of Pappenheim
- Johann Georg, count of Pappenheim * 1535
- Johann Heinrich, count of Pappenheim * c. 1620
- Johann Vitus, count of Pappenheim * 1570
- Johann Wilhelm, count of Pappenheim
- Johann, count of Pappenheim * ? 1382
- Johann, count of Pappenheim
- Karl Anton Friedrich Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1816
- Karl Philipp Gustav, count of Pappenheim * 1649
- Karl Theodor Friedrich Eugen Franz, count of Pappenheim * 1773
- Karl Theodor Friedrich, count of Pappenheim * 1771
- Kaspar Gottfried, count of Pappenheim * 1591
- Klemens Philipp Friedrich Albert Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1822
- Konrad I, count of Pappenheim
- Konrad II, count of Pappenheim
- Ludwig Franz, count of Pappenheim * 1653
- Magnus IV, count of Pappenheim
- Maximilian Georg Albrecht Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1908
- Maximilian, count of Pappenheim * 1824
- Philipp Thomas, count of Pappenheim * 1569
- Philipp, count of Pappenheim * 1542
- Rudolf Heinrich Klemens Haupt, count of Pappenheim * 1910
- Rudolf I, count of Pappenheim
- Rudolf II, count of Pappenheim
- Rudolf II, count of Pappenheim
- Rudolf III, count of Pappenheim
- Rudolf, count of Pappenheim
- Sebastian, count of Pappenheim
- Siegfried Alexander, count of Pappenheim * 1868
- Sigfried I, count of Pappenheim
- Sigfried II, count of Pappenheim
- Sigfried III, count of Pappenheim
- Sigfried, count of Pappenheim
- Sigmund I, count of Pappenheim
- Sigmund II, count of Pappenheim
- Sigmund, count of Pappenheim
- Thomas I, count of Pappenheim
- Thomas II, count of Pappenheim
- Ulrich, count of Pappenheim
- Veit, count of Pappenheim * c. 1520
- Vitus Hippolyt, count of Pappenheim
- Vitus, count of Pappenheim
- Vitus, count of Pappenheim * 1535
- Wilhelm I, count of Pappenheim
- Wilhelm I, count of Pappenheim
- Wilhelm II, count of Pappenheim
- Wilhelm, count of Pappenheim
- Wolfgang Adam, count of Pappenheim * 1618
- Wolfgang Christoph Wilhelm, count of Pappenheim * 1651
- Wolfgang Christoph, count of Pappenheim * 1567
- Wolfgang Friedrich, count of Pappenheim * c. 1600
- Wolfgang I, count of Pappenheim
- Wolfgang II, count of Pappenheim * 1535
- Wolfgang Philipp, count of Pappenheim * 1618
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