Marquesses of Castrillo
Marqueses de Castrillo
Family filter On/Off- 3 Agustina Portocarrero y Maldonado, 3ª marquise of Castrillo * 1734
- 7 Lorenzo Fernandez de Villavicencio y Cañas, 3rd duke of San Lorenzo de Valhermoso * 1778
- 8 José Fernando Fernandez de Villavicencio y Corral, 8th marquess of Castrillo * 1849
- 9 Lorenzo Fernández de Villavicencio y Crooke, 14th marquess of Vallecerrato * 1885
- 10 José María Fernández de Villavicencio y Crooke, 15.marquess of Vallecerrato * 1890
- 11 José Fernández de Villavicencio y Osorio, 16th marquess of Vallecerrato * 1919
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