Counts of Peñaflorida
Condes de Peñaflorida
Family filter On/Off- 3 Sebastián de Sasiola Eguino, 3rd count of Peñaflorida
- 4 Martín Manuel de Munibe y Sasiola Arancibia, 4th count of Peñaflorida
- 5 Juan Francisco de Munibe y Axpe, 5th count of Peñaflorida * 1625
- 6 Francisco Antonio de Munibe y Ugarte, 6th count of Peñaflorida * 1650
- 7 Martín José de Munibe y Idiáquez, 7th count of Peñaflorida
- 8 Francisco José de Munibe y Idiáquez, 8th count of Peñaflorida
- 9 Francisco Javier María de Munibe e Idiáquez, 9th count of Peñaflorida * 1729
- 10 Antonio María de Munibe y Areizaga, 10th count of Peñaflorida * 1754
- 11 Victor de Munibe y Aranguren, 11st count of Peñaflorida * 1798
- 15 Francisco Javier de Mendizábal y de Argaiz, 15th count of Peñaflorida * 1841
- 16 Francisco Javier de Mendizabal y Gortázar, 16th count of Peñaflorida * 1898
- 17 Álvaro Francisco Javier Mendizábal Arana, 17th count of Peñaflorida
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