Barons Ashburnham
Family filter On/Off- 1 John Ashburnham, 1st lord of Ashburnham * 1655
- 3 John Ashburnham, 1st earl of Ashburnham * 1687
- 4 John Ashburnham, 2nd earl of Ashburnham * 1724
- 5 George Ashburnham, 3rd earl of Ashburnham * 1760
- 6 Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham * 1797
- 7 Bertram Ashburnham, 5th earl of Ashburnham * 1840
- 8 Thomas Ashburnham, 6th earl of Ashburnham * 1855
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